Gas..How Much are you paying???

YES! 2.39 a gallon, i remember when that was considered high, .. oh the good old days. :lol:
Gas in Canada (or maybe just BC) is about 1.20 a gallon. Not bad compared to what I'm seeing around here...
I saw it for $2.49 here today but I heard that about 10 miles from here (well, in a little town that's close to here) it's $2.33/gal. I'm going to go fill up there!
It was $2.54 here yesterday when I stopped at the's getting better a little at a time...
Gas, Gas, Gas. Its all my parents talk about theese days =P.
In Canada we go by leiters. Its about 1.27 a leiter now
2.59 thank god. It was at 3.14 at one point! It took me over fourty dollars to fill up the one day and I cried.
I remember the time when my mother declared that she would never buy gas for more than $1.15/gallon... ah, those were the good old days!

Now we have to pay $3.15/gallon if we want to get gas without going so far that we'll have to buy twice the gas to get back... blah. It's ridiculous! I mean, really...

I think we should all just freeze gas prices so that nobody can up the prices. Works for me... until they start raising the prices on other goods to compensate; cause that's the point where it really starts sucking.