"Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

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Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

I read that the movie he was going to play Phil Lynott in has been shelved - something to do with the surviving band members not being happy with the way the story line went :(

http://[IMGWarrick and Grissom
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

He'll always be a part of the original CSI cast, and that will never change:( I wish him the best and will continue to follow his career and whatever he does.

Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Gary will be missed, it's not the same without him. Warrick was one of my favourite characters along with Nick. All the original CSI characters brought something unique to the show, and Warrick, while he had some personal problems, was always very dedicated to the team and Grissom.....
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Gary will be missed, it's not the same without him. Warrick was one of my favourite characters along with Nick. All the original CSI characters brought something unique to the show, and Warrick, while he had some personal problems, was always very dedicated to the team and Grissom.....

^^ The ROCK of the team forever and always. I loved his character from the beginning even with all his problems. Even though I know hes gone I'm always still a little disappointed when I don't see his name in the opening credits anymore. So many changes this year its hard for fans who have been watching since the beginning. Even though I'm looking forward to Lawrence coming onto the show.
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Gary will be missed, it's not the same without him. Warrick was one of my favourite characters along with Nick. All the original CSI characters brought something unique to the show, and Warrick, while he had some personal problems, was always very dedicated to the team and Grissom.....

^^ The ROCK of the team forever and always. I loved his character from the beginning even with all his problems. Even though I know hes gone I'm always still a little disappointed when I don't see his name in the opening credits anymore. So many changes this year its hard for fans who have been watching since the beginning. Even though I'm looking forward to Lawrence coming onto the show.

I'm with ya' I do like LF as a movie actor, and hope he's up for the CSI challenge, although no one can replace Grissom, Warrick nor Sara:(

Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

^^ Things sure changing. Thats why I took a look back at the past today and the very first scene we ever saw Warrick in. Makes me all kinda of sad though remembering how it used to be.

Warrick: Twenty bucks, by the end of shift, I'm the man.
Nick: Is there anything you won't bet on?
Warrick: Nah. It's college football season, man. I won eight of ten this weekend. Kilt 'em. Outside the Huskers and them punk-ass Irish, I'm up about four G's.
Nick: Hmm, what's the line on us?
Warrick: On us? I'm like Tiger, man! I'm heavily favored.
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

I had my young grandson down for Thanksgiving weekend and we watched the "For Gedda" and "For Warrick" amonst others, and he loves Warick too, he, watching him again in those should have been nominated for an Emmy or GG for his portrayal in "For Gedda" so powerful and so heartbreaking, he was incredible:thumbsup: why couldn't the 3 that left stayed for just a little longer?:(

Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Geez, it's hard to watch older episodes, and see him and think "crap, he's gone". I hope he's happy and adjusting to the leaving a show he's been on, and such a paramount sizzling character..

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Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

It is hard to watch older episodes knowing hes not gonna be there anymore. I still expect to see him in the opening credits in new episodes. Its just so hard not to think of what could have been since, he left.

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