"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I don't really like Warrick in hats. I love being able to see him and hats hides his hair and other things, of course.

Warrick has beautiful hair, which is a big part of who he is.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Just watched "Random Acts of Violence". A really heartwrenching Warrick episode. (And the end of his plot lines...) but his gram is still alive, answering my question from before. I wish he would have visited her in this episode, he was in the neighborhood and needed some spiritual guidance.

He's hot when he's serious. I just wish it wouldn't have been so dark, his smile lights up the room.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

That episode was on tonight. He's so hot when he's mad.

I got in trouble for staring at Warrick and not paying attention to the cat and he got on the table and took a bite from my mom's food.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I agree Warrick is freaking hot when he is serious (but when isn't he hot?) and he was sooooo HOT in Random Acts of Violence. The scene when Warrick says to Grissom that he can't be a robot like him. get me every time.....the look on Grissom face said it all.

Also Grissom dished out some serious tough love to Warrick, my heart broke for both of them.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Oh yeahhhh...

I just watched 'Table Stakes' when he takes his shirt off and jumps in the pool... *DROOL* SO HOTT
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I gotta figure out how to put a bug in the writer's bonnet (as my Granny used to say) because we really NEED Warrick's grandmother in Season 6. I think letting that part of his background be seen a little would bring his character out SOOOO much more!

His character is such a passionate character that the dark side of him and the thoughtful/pondering side seems in the forefront more, but when he does lighten up and smile it sure makes us appreciate it! :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I had to bump this thread up.....

Just watched "NHI" again and was Warrick HOT or what.

When he gets mad he is even more HOT and sexy. That Mia better back off my man Warrick. He's all mine.

Warrick was just tooooo sexy in this episode.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I mentioned this in the NHI discussion, but Warrick was wearing an earring in his first scene in the episode. When they visit the cell, you can see a diamond stud in his left ear. :D That's hot.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yes, Warrick did have an earring and believe me it was just so freaking hot!

I wish TPTB would let Gary/Warrick wear it more often.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hey LabRat101, I posted this in the NHI thread too, but I'll look tomorrow and find you a good Gary pic with his earring outside CSI and post it here. He often wears a little hoop earring too. I can't remember (one of you other ladies maight) if it is silver or gold, but it's HOT!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

GARY HAS AN EARRING???????????? OMG! *drools, melts* :eek: I am so going to pay attention during the timeshift airing. Woo! Hoo! 10 minutes to go. :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

i think its safe to say that Warrick/Gary can make pretty much anything hott :D

ICAM, that man can wear anything and nothing at all.

I know he brings a huge smile to my face and cause me to drool and melt into a puddle. :D
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