"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yep Gary sings. :D Didnt care much for his performance at the Emmys but he did look rather yummy. :cool: But he can really blow, the Emmys just wasnt song of choice for me.

You can find a collage of songs on iTunes under the name Kolade. You can also listen at his site http://garydourdan.net/
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
Yep Gary sings. :D Didnt care much for his performance at the Emmys but he did look rather yummy. :cool: But he can really blow, the Emmys just wasnt song of choice for me.

I feel exactly the same! He looked yummy but the song didn't really blow my socks off and I kept thinking that Macy looked like she wanted to run of the stage or something. She was not as happy as I would have been while standing next to Gary. :devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said: She was not as happy as I would have been while standing next to Gary.

I don't think there would be anyone happier than ruzila standing next to Gary. You talking about a permanent grin. She would never wash any part of her body again if he touched her. :lol:

However, I did enjoy watching Warrick in "Poppin' Tags". Always love seeing the kick ass, all business, side of him come out full force.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

LadySaraButterfly said:
I don't think there would be anyone happier than ruzila standing next to Gary. You talking about a permanent grin. She would never wash any part of her body again if he touched her. :lol:

Yeah, I know, I'm only third in line in my Gary mania. Ru is our biggest Gary freak and I kinda think that Iwantboromir would knock me over too to reach him but after those two...I will be coming, Gary :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
LadySaraButterfly said:
I don't think there would be anyone happier than ruzila standing next to Gary. You talking about a permanent grin. She would never wash any part of her body again if he touched her. :lol:

Yeah, I know, I'm only third in line in my Gary mania. Ru is our biggest Gary freak and I kinda think that Iwantboromir would knock me over too to reach him but after those two...I will be coming, Gary :lol:

LOL, I think you're right Joy. Keep writing those fanfics and maybe I won't trample you too badly!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
LOL, I think you're right Joy. Keep writing those fanfics and maybe I won't trample you too badly!

That's kinda scary, to know that I'm only protected by me writing fanfic. If that is all than can protect then I'm in big trouble :lol: :lol:
So, just to make more valid points, I'm also very nice. I would share Gary, really I would. There is no reason for violence ;)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

All we are saaaaaaaaaaaaaaying... is give peace a chance!


I'm not fighting anyone. Not even over Gary. :)eek: shocking, aint it?) But I am protective over my friends, my curse in life. *sigh* So you need not to depend on fanfics, Joy... I got your back! ;) :lol:

But we'll need to talk sometime *looks at the cobwebs by ur name in my messenger contact list* and work out the details. I want to read your fics too. Damn, I do believe a certain someone has updates for me too *eyes iwantboromir*. ITS WARRICK FANFIC OVERLOAD!!! YAY!

You know you guys can feel free to read mine. I know I know, they all contain another CSI (not the same one that Joy uses :lol:) but I do our man justice. And from quite a few comments Gary's made about his 'fine ass costar', I'm sure he'd agree. :D

But that's neither here or there... just in another thread and my fics. :p I love watching Warrick no matter who he's paired up with on the job and even if he's paired up with someone outside my choice out of the job -like he is atm.

There was a cool thread that said 'Prove It'... It asked if we watch eps and have fav eps even if our fav character isnt in them. I have my own Warrick question to ask... Would we feel differently about our man if he gets paired up with someone we're not fond of?

My answer is... I feel no different about Warrick now but I think some of that impart has to do with the fact that Gary was audibly disappointed with the marraige idea from the beginning. It was just OOC for me, regardless of who I ship him with. So it really helps that the marraige has never felt like an everlasting one for me.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
I'm not fighting anyone. Not even over Gary. :)eek: shocking, aint it?) But I am protective over my friends, my curse in life. *sigh* So you need not to depend on fanfics, Joy... I got your back! ;) :lol:

But we'll need to talk sometime *looks at the cobwebs by ur name in my messenger contact list* and work out the details. I want to read your fics too. Damn, I do believe a certain someone has updates for me too *eyes iwantboromir*. ITS WARRICK FANFIC OVERLOAD!!! YAY!

Naw, I wouldn't really hurt her.....much.....let's just say I'm rather single minded when trying to reach a goal. The trampling wouldn't be on purpose.
As for the fanfics, I've read all that you've posted on FF. Mine is now on chapter 14, on ff only cuz I quit posting it on here. I got tired of not getting replies.

I tell ya Ru, ya need to convince Joy to have yahoo messenger. It's a lot less hassle. Now that you got me on it, I never use my old messenger.
the reason we're all here!

btw: Joy, because of you I'm now a lurker in sara/warrick thread. lol
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

* hops in*

:lol: :lol: Joy, how did I know you would post in this thread? :lol: :lol:

I was just innocently looking around cause I´m bored and see what I found!!! Good job Lady`s, just don`t harm this girl , who else would write our lovely Swarrick stories?

iwantboromir said:btw: Joy, because of you I'm now a lurker in sara/warrick thread. lol

Well I´d say stop lurking and join us at the new thread, we don`t bite!!! :D

But maybe this will help........


Like Joy used to say: " Sex on legs ! "
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

mmmm warrick in jeans...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm greg in jeans!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
I'm not fighting anyone. Not even over Gary. :)eek: shocking, aint it?) But I am protective over my friends, my curse in life. *sigh* So you need not to depend on fanfics, Joy... I got your back! ;) :lol:

Ah, thank you! I feel so protected now! :lol:
I wouldn't fight to get to him either. A couple of months ago I saw my favorite tennis player and I just freezed and watched him from a distance :lol: So I don't think I would storm Gary.

About the question Ru raised up, would I feel differently about Warrick if he was paired up with someone I don't ship? No, plain and simple, no. I know my main ship is never gonna happen and I'm fine with that. Besides I've got nothing against YoBling, it's just his marriage that has to stop! :D
And I actually read your stories on the YoBling archive, Ru. I read a lot of stories on that site because a lot of them are written by very good authors and make the pairing believeable. I have my own personal preferences but I'm certaintly open to other shipping possibilities.

Lastly, Tini, duh....of course you find me here. Look at the title, girl! Just like I found you posting in the GSR tread... :lol:
And, Ru, I'll try to show myself on msn a bit more. You are not the only one complaining about that :eek:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:So I don't think I would storm Gary.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Who are you fooling, Joy? Of course you would storm him! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lastly, Tini, duh....of course you find me here. Look at the title, girl! Just like I found you posting in the GSR tread... :lol:

To my own defence, I haven`t posted there for a loooooooooong time, cause our thread is way cooler these days, it`s just fun, fun and fun !

So this is the famous Ru you were talking about, was about time for me to meet you girl! You seem to be as crazy as Joy, I love that! :D :D :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Truthfully, I wouldn't charge him either. I would most likely just melt into a puddle. I'm naturally a very shy person, unless I'm drunk. So, no real worries.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
Truthfully, I wouldn't charge him either. I would most likely just melt into a puddle. I'm naturally a very shy person, unless I'm drunk. So, no real worries.

You know what, so am I! Maybe we could get drunk one night and storm him together :lol: :lol: Him being stormed by two nice ladies is not wrong, right? :D :devil:
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