"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I cant believe there's no talk here about our man in Popping Tags It was chockful of Warrick goodies. Warrick driving in hot pursuit of a suspect. Warrick getting ticked off and pummeling the idiot. Warrick steaming after getting chewed out by Ecklie. Warrick being a big man and not letting Nick talk to Ecklie for him. Ok, our baby had a bad day on the job but dont he look sexy mad? :D Besides, means we have to comfort him. :devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

And then, where did he go???? He like, dropped off the screen. If this is what you call, "lots of Warrick" Ru, I'm not pleased!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Woman, he was in the ep more than Catherine! :eek: That's quite a bit considering she's a lead character next to Grissom. For it to involve the whole team, Popping Tags had quite a lot of Warrick. :)

But this wasnt the ep I was referring to. 2 of the next 4 might make you happy. Hell I cant tell... Last nights ep made me happy. I dont think you'll b happy till Gary gets his own series. :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
Woman, he was in the ep more than Catherine! :eek: That's quite a bit considering she's a lead character next to Grissom. For it to involve the whole team, Popping Tags had quite a lot of Warrick. :)

But this wasnt the ep I was referring to. 2 of the next 4 might make you happy. Hell I cant tell... Last nights ep made me happy. I dont think you'll b happy till Gary gets his own series. :lol:

LOL I knew I'd get a rise out of you. Yes, he was in it more than other and what he was in was very, very good!

As for his own show......as long as it's called SHIRTLESS, I'll be happy! :D Shirtless starrying Gary Dourdan!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir its only double posting when you post one after another, example 5:30, 5:33, 5:36 etc. one the same day. You not only did not double post in the rules sense (Ie time stamp 11am, then 1 am,) but it was two separate days (11th & 14th). :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hey guys :)
I thought I'd stop by ... OK, well even though to me Grissom is The King of Hottness :D, I have to admit that Warrick is one hell of a hunky CSI -let's face it, all male LV CSI's are hunky ;)

He's sweet, strong, sensitive, vulnerable, dependable ... and handsome. What else asking for, uh? :rolleyes:

Gary Dourdan/Warrick ROCKS MY SOCKS!
Best perf so far: Grave Danger :cool:

First time I saw this smile and those eyes, my heart almost stopped. Honest :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Destiny said:
iwantboromir its only double posting when you post one after another, example 5:30, 5:33, 5:36 etc. one the same day. You not only did not double post in the rules sense (Ie time stamp 11am, then 1 am,) but it was two separate days (11th & 14th). :)

Gosh, even when I try to break the rules, I don't! LOL, that's good to know.

Ya supposed to learn something new everyday and I guess this is mine!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

:lol: Well I can yell at ya if you want but, really I think its to late, advice don't try to break the rules, when its time it will happen always does when you least expect it, and I or Tally will let you know and remind you of this. :p :D

*Thinks people are trying not to break them, this one is trying to break them hmm yep I am sanity challenged.* :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Sane? I have to be sane to be here? If so, I've been breakin the rules all along. Who can be sane when lookin at THIS
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