"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
I cant believe there's no talk here about our man in Popping Tags It was chockful of Warrick goodies. Warrick driving in hot pursuit of a suspect. Warrick getting ticked off and pummeling the idiot. Warrick steaming after getting chewed out by Ecklie. Warrick being a big man and not letting Nick talk to Ecklie for him. Ok, our baby had a bad day on the job but dont he look sexy mad? :D Besides, means we have to comfort him. :devil:
oh i had plenty to say about that in my CSI Xanga...but since its a review site and all i tried my best to stay professional.
and now i can go off here.
OMFG he was SO sexy! im so glad i taped that ep and i like seeing warrick slam that evil guy's ass against the car door. too bad that idiot wasn't ecklie instead...
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

most def warricklover Our man was hella sexy Popping Tags and Spellbound. And if Warrick was gonna get chewed out for defending himself, then wish it was Ecklie too. :mad:

More pics... i wanna go over the edge too. Oh and iwantboromir quit trying to get a rise out of me... its a rise out of Gary that your looking for :devil: ;) :lol:

But i'm SO with u on the tv show... but make it cable -i'm tired of censorship. :devil:

Oh and thanks for popping in GrissomFreak Your words are on the money!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ok since we were taught the rules of double posting, I will put it to good use. :D

Here's something I think we can do without anyone's toes getting stepped on... One rule first -If you cant say anything nice, lets not say anything at all :)

The discussion: What does everyone get out of Warrick working with other's on the team?

Here are my thoughts...

  • Warrick working with Grissom... I see Grissom def being a mentor to Warrick but I think he has a great respect for Warrick to where there is no leash necessary.

    Warrick working with Catherine... He's flirty and playful but also protective and a comforter. Catherine's a tough lady who's only let Warrick see her vulnerable side. Call it ship or not, there's a major attraction physically and spiritually between these two. They're the only two of the team who had a questionable past which could b why they're very comfortable in their own skins around each other. Ok, shutting up.

    Warrick working with Nick... these two are boys (not just male species but refering to very close friends). Whether they're getting in trouble for betting each other or playing video games, they are so much fun to see in competitive mode. But when they're serious, they're just as good to watch. Funny how different their upbringings were but how completely irrelevant it is to them. I LOVE that. Its how it should be. They've bonded to where they can b very honest, painfully honest if need b with ea other. Who suffered more than Warrick for Nicky in Grave Danger?

    Warrick working with Sara... OMG. These two are a riot. :lol: Every time I've seen them work a case, all I think of are two rival siblings. My favorite ep of them working together has to be the case of suspected spontaneous human combustion. Their banter was priceless but even more so was how Warrick didnt embarass Sara when he proved her wrong. Warrick's also had his share of being protective with Sara. As of late, she's seem to grow fond enough of him to share her lunch when his wife short changed his. :) They've come along way since their awkward introductions.

    Warrick working with Greg... Talk about siblings -these two looked like Big Brother was going to pummel little brother for getting him in trouble with Dad in Spellbound... LOVED IT! :lol: Cant say I recall a whole lot of screen time with them but what I can remember, Warrick usually plays the role of teacher in a way Greg seems to appreciate.
Ok so that's my attempt at discussion... anyone wanna give it a shot? :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

hmm, not much to say here Ru. I agree with you 100%. In fact, that's how I wrote them in my Gemma series of fanfic.

Although, after reading the fics by Joy, I'm leaning more towards shipping Sara with Warrick
*ducks the stones thrown by Ru*
as a parting gift...... just love this
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
Although, after reading the fics by Joy, I'm leaning more towards shipping Sara with Warrick
*ducks the stones thrown by Ru*
as a parting gift...... just love this

Wow, that's flattering and all but don't make Ru mad!! :lol: She's very protective of YoBling :D
And what do you mean parting gift?? :confused:

Ru, I agree with everyting you said. I always thought Warrick was Grissom's favorite because Warrich doesn't seek or need his approval as much as Nick and Sara want it.

Secondly, I also believe Cath and Rick are two people who think and act so much alike that they are naturally drawn to each other.

Warrick and Nick are just...well...friendship in it's purest form, I love them together.

I'll skip Warrick and Sara, I guess everybody knows how I feel about them :D

Lastly, Warrick and Greg, I don't really have an opinion about these two yet. Greg resprects him and Warrick always seems amused by him but I can't say anything more about them, yet.

PS: iwantboromir, I'm still going to read your fic, I promise! Life got in the way last week but I will read it!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
iwantboromir said:
Although, after reading the fics by Joy, I'm leaning more towards shipping Sara with Warrick
*ducks the stones thrown by Ru*
as a parting gift...... just love this

Wow, that's flattering and all but don't make Ru mad!! :lol: She's very protective of YoBling :D
And what do you mean parting gift?? :confused:

Don't worry about me, Ru can't reach me this far, besides, I just sent her a new cd, so she won't get too angry at me! lol She knows I'm anti-YoBling and she manages to tolerate me anyway!

I didn't mean anything by "parting gift", no worries, ya can't get rid of me that easily. I was simply leaving the computer for a while to get some chores done. Now I'm back, freezing my rear off. What ever happened to "Sunny California" ??? It's 51 freakin degrees and the wind is up to 40mph!
Okay, no more ranting for me, I need to calm my nerves. This'll do it..... have I posted this lately?
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Mmmmm it is not normally for a guy to be so fine! I mean how hot is this guy!!! Ok thats my vain attempt at a discussion now im gonna run off to look at the photos!!!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

:lol: that's plenty discussion CSIVegasMiamiNY, enjoy the goodies and here's yet one more to feast ur eyes on


and without the glasses to see those emerald beauties, oh and a broad smile to see them pearly whites....
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hi CSIVegasMiamiNY please amend your banner to this Board's current banner size requirement of 220 for width and 75 for height. Thank you.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

And he SINGS! Head on over to Omaetoy.net and check out Gary and May Gray singing Movin' on Up. It is tres cool.
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