"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

tell me when you get that "project" done. If I could think of a good song, I'd be working on a "project" too. I've made a yobling and a snickers, it's time for a swarrick......*goes off to ponder music choices while whacking some weeds*
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yeah, I actually did find a song for a Swarrick project but I want a Gary only project! :)

Oh, well, you can't have it all!

By the way, have I ever told you I love the Warrick project that you once created. That is still one of my favs. Sigh...that poolscene :devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
I've got a few songs that make me think of our man...

Shoop by Salt N Pepa

Only You by Ashanti

Then what about a little ship war with... The Boy Is Mine by Monica and Brandy ;)

But those are just a few of my suggestions. There are many songs that make me think of Gary. :D

Oh and dont think i forgot about a project you once were working on iwantboromir :devil: I havent seen the finished product! :cool:

those songs might be pretty good, but I don't own any of them in my collection. :(

As for that project....I'm assuming you mean the one that was EATEN by my computer? Funny you mention it, I heard that song today and was thinking that I should start it up again. No promises though....

JOY thanks for the compliment on my..... thing with the pool scene. I think that scene should be in every....thing.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
JOY thanks for the compliment on my..... thing with the pool scene. I think that scene should be in every....thing.

Yeah, that would make a lot of...things...very interesting :lol:

Interesting song choices, Ru. I don't think I have them all in my collection but I do have 'the boy is mine' I think. That would be a cool song to use for a....thing.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

You two need to hurry and get your... things.. uh, in order! I'm rather excited about the songs ea of you liked for a... thing. :D

And I was in such a musical moment, I thought of a song that I would ABSOLUTELY love to hear Warrick dedicate to Tina... Well I think it would make at least Joy and I really happy. I'm sure Dee would just b happy that Warrick had screen time for it. ;) :lol:

On a Gary note.... Spike played Alien Ressurection after a CSI ep Snuff last night which had me to go to bed happy. :D Made me think that I'll take a day and have a Gary-marathon. I think my face would hurt from all that smiling.

Oh and one last thought... Wanna know one of the reasons that makes me love my ship so? Cuz Marg loves Gary too :cool:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Guys I believe there is a thread for Songs for your fav characters in the "Music" Forum.

*Looks around hmm do I sense ship talk? hmm must be my imagination, shakes head.* :D

Thank you.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Shiptalk?? Where?

Oh, it's just Ru trying to force YoBling on us :D Go away, Ru !!!!! We don't want YoBling, we want Gary :lol: :lol:

There, how's that? :D

Ru, you know I still love you, right? And what is all that stuff about pictures in which Warrick is WITHOUT ring. That sounds interesting!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

PLZ vote for CSI on http://teavee.com/csi/ ....click positive comment......otherwise bones or 24 is going to beat us........vote once every 5 mins. We are at number 1, but they are catching up CRAZY fast!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

* lurks in*

OH MY GOD, what a great photo, Warricklover !

He lookes so COOL and HOT in it.

I need to stop drooling! :lol:

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ok ladies, I have a challenge for you:

Post your FAVORITE photo of Gary. (only one, so think hard!)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

have to agree with Tini, that's just hot and forget about your banner warricklover -i'm just silly with happiness looking at them.

and Destiny, I just looked at my last post and wanna mod slap myself. I tried to edit but i'm past the time. All i can say is that i need to visit Talk when i get more than 3hrs sleep a nite. :)rolleyes: <--- at myself) Very sorry. And thanks for the nudge. :) So in your honor, how about both boys? Love every ep that Warrick gets to banter with Nick :D


UGH... this is what i get for leaving pages open forever before replying. Edited to add my current fav Warrick and Gary pic There, that's one for ea.
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