"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

WOO HOO! I'm famous. :D LOL

Hi Tini! Welcome aboard. Dont b a stranger! If you like Swarrick then you're already part of us. :)

Besides, you got spunk -I like that! :D

I dont see us charging Gary. We got too much class. ;) He'll spot us a mile away and swagger up and say, "Excuse me... you're not allowed in here. This is private property."


I say we all try to go to the next award show he'll be at. OMG! Can you see all of us together with Gary? :eek: That's just too cool for words.

Makes me think we should go to the next big movie premiere
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Thanks for the welcome Ru and I´m not ashamed to say: you gave me hell of a hard time figuring out what "spunk" means ! :lol: :lol: LOL

Yes we learn everyday, so, now that I know.....thanks again! ;)

Lady`s, Lady`s *shakes head* your minds are definitely in the gutter.


Yeah, I know, our open buttons ( which show Gary`s incredible chest ) are missing, but hey -> I Loooooove men in suits!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
I say we all try to go to the next award show he'll be at. OMG! Can you see all of us together with Gary? :eek: That's just too cool for words.

That would be cool :lol: Poor Gary, he wouldn't know what hit him :D All I have to do is save up for a plane ticket so I'm sure I'll be able to make it... in a couple of years! :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

i say Shhh! we've gotten OT and lets go back before D finds us *sees Destiny coming* :eek: LOOK! LOOK! Gary's singing

Whew! That was close. I think Tally was close by too :lol:

I'm just teasing, our mods are great. They usually just drop in and remind us when we stray. And here its usually in a manner that gets a giggle out of me. :)

* goes off to PM arrangements to meet Gary*

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Close call, Ru :)

So, to get back on topic, doesn't Gary look hot when he sings, or sits around and does nothing, or sleeps, or showers... :devil:

Sorry, got carried away there, the topic was singing. He sings!! :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Nice catch :) *peers around people back on topic cool, walks out*
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Pssst Joy... topic is always Gary... You were fine. Just us talking about getting together to find him is OT. So get on Yahoo already for that but keep talking about our man here. :D

I personally want a pic of him in the shower... C'mon, we've had Sara and Greg shower on the show -Its Warrick's turn. :cool:

:eek: Sorry D, we posted at the same time. :p (rather i started this post before i saw yours then hit enter -i'm not the quickest on my feet at times :eek: )
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

okay, we were talking about lovin gary and appreciating him, so weren't we on topic? AND, when we go chase him down, there's a possibility that he will be WEARING JEANS. So, in my opinion, we never really got off topic.

*yes, I was the smart ### in the back of class in school*

sry Mods, I just had to put my two cents worth in.

and YES Joy, get yahoo, so I can chat with ya too!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
okay, we were talking about lovin gary and appreciating him, so weren't we on topic? AND, when we go chase him down, there's a possibility that he will be WEARING JEANS. So, in my opinion, we never really got off topic.

Smart, girl, very smart :lol: :lol:

By the way, I just saw some new interviews with him in which the cast shows you around backstage and he mentioned that usually weird people like him but that he finds that ok because he likes weird people too.

You see, he likes us already :lol: :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I already knew he likes us... I tell everyone that Gary loves me :D Cant say it was quite confirmed by the man but someone did tell me he loved me, whether it was under heavy alcohol use or duress -I'm not saying. :rolleyes: :lol:

I love that little clip where he said he likes wierd people... he's got a pretty mischevious tone in it. Why am I convinced that it would never be a boring minute with the man? :devil: (Look Tini! Gary has spunk too! :D)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said: :eek: Sorry D, we posted at the same time. :p (rather i started this post before i saw yours then hit enter -i'm not the quickest on my feet at times :eek: )
It's okay posting at the sametime will happen from time to time, no harm done. ;)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I saw that quote and loved it! I actually adore it. I have it on a pic as my desktop. If I wasn't so lazy I would resize it so I can use it as my signiture. I whole-heartedly admit that I am weird, so if that statement is true....he just announced his love for me to the world!
:lol:muhahahahaha! :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:(Look Tini! Gary has spunk too! :D)

LOL! :lol:

Oh Ru, you are such a tease.........and totally nuts, all of you!

:lol: :lol: I love it! :lol: :lol:

Got some lyrics for you concerning this thread title! Hope I´m allowed to post them (mods?-> remove ,if necessary). And I think they fit pretty well: If you want I`ll give you verse 2+3, too!

[Chorus] :devil:
Looking good plenty time
Tell me is there any more room for me
In those jeans
Pretty thick like I like it
Tell me
is there any more room for me
In those jeans
Looking tasty really scrumptious
Tell me is there any more room for me

In those jeans
Looking good plenty time
Is there any more room for me
In those jeans

[Verse 1]
Got on my ride seen you from a far
And I couldn't stop myself from looking hard
You wore these jeans
(Girl) you wore -> let`s change that into boy!
these jeans and you
Made a thug wanna cry something terrible
I had to have, have you for myself baby
You don't know
what those jeans do to me
Make me wanna get down on one knee
You got that thunder
And it only makes me wonder how it
To get up in those jeans

Ginuwine " In those jeans" :devil:

Got nothing more to say, Gary baby, that`s what we`d like to do! :cool:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I love that song, Tini. To bad the singer speaks of a girl otherwise I could have used that one for one of my...eh...projects. :lol:

And girls, I completely agree with you. Gary had a spark in in eyes when he talked about liking weird people. That man is a wild one if you ask me. :D It's good thing we once agreed to share him because I think he would make me very tired :devil:
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