"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
Ladies! Wake up! This thread has been dead for nearly two days......
Here's my fav of this photo shoot.
Wake up

I'm awake I'm awake....damn he's too hot...now I'll really have a good day at work....thanks!

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yeah, that picture woke me up too :lol: Hell, you can wake me up with a picture like that every day :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Well lets see... I've moved and now I'm almost in NYC where I'll b for about a month. So I've been scarce and will b for a little bit more. Thanks for popping in with presents Zsa and newbies! It helped loads with my Gary withdrawals! :lol:

I owe iwantboromir something for her project and now, its stuck on my PC which is still at my OLD place of residence. :p Darn. Hmmm.... Can u give me a month? :D

As for Gary/Warrick... Man, I missed this man. And that headshot of Gary with the red border was a set I gave u, iwantboromir! LMAO :lol: Wish I had some to share now but I dont. I'll share this...

I just got my hands on some of the A Different World eps while moving (a friend has the set) and I have no idea why I loved Gary back then. He played such an ass :lol: but I dont think I paid much attention to his character :devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I just got my hands on some of the A Different World eps while moving (a friend has the set) and I have no idea why I loved Gary back then. He played such an ass :lol: but I dont think I paid much attention to his character :devil:

I have only scene one episode of "A Different Wold" with him in it, but also remember not liking his charater, but like you said that didn't really seem to matter to me. :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

As for Gary/Warrick... Man, I missed this man. And that headshot of Gary with the red border was a set I gave u, iwantboromir! LMAO Wish I had some to share now but I dont.

I actually thought they might have come from you or Shane.....perhaps from Shane via you???? I'm off work, so I don't really have to think now, lol. Don't pick on me.

I owe iwantboromir something for her project and now, its stuck on my PC which is still at my OLD place of residence. :p Darn. Hmmm.... Can u give me a month?

Yeah, I'll wait a while longer. That......stuff....for my project....is perfect.

I'll share this...

I just got my hands on some of the A Different World eps while moving (a friend has the set) and I have no idea why I loved Gary back then. He played such an ass but I dont think I paid much attention to his character

I truthfully never got into the show at all. I'm not much of a half hour comedy fan. I gave it a chance at first....maybe three or four eps....but didn't like it. When I found out that Gary was on it, I tried to watch some.....still don't like it. Now, If I could just get his scenes......I could probably get some good use out of it.

Okay here's one of Ru's.....Shane's.....Mine.....here's another good pic, lol
close but not the same as before
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ru, good to see you posting again. We missed you around!
Dee, thanks for the new picture you...Shane...or eh...Ru :lol: posted. I don't care who was the one to find them, I'm just glad they were posted.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
Okay, this is the last that I have of this series. I'll have to find some new ones to steal from others....somewhere.

You do that! You search the net and you steal those pics :lol: Loved the last one, thanks for sharing them with us. These pictures really belong to my favorites pics of him. :D
And also, when you finish your...project in about a month could you please let me know? I really want to see how the project turned out!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

At this rate my....project won't be completed until August. By the time RC gets my.....stuff to me, it'll be time for my trip. I'll be gone for nearly the entire month of July. But.... YOU will be the first to see my....project.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

That works out well, in August my vacation is done too, which means I have lots of time to appreciate...eh...everything your project has to offer ;)

But back to the topic at hand, what is Gary up to right now? Is he filming any movies, making some music? Does anybody know?
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