"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hi everyone! I got a couple of Warrick questions and well since you must the experts on him I thought I'd post it here. :)

1. I heard somewhere that Warrick is close to his grandparents and has a nick for them? If it's true what's the nick, and which ep was that mentioned?

2. Do you guys know the eps wherein Warrick draws a gun?

Sorry for the bother. Anyways, thanks in advance! Needless to say, I love Warrick :D

Joy22 said:
And the following question: What would you like to see in season seven for our man?
I just wanna see more of him :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

cofi_shot said:

1. I heard somewhere that Warrick is close to his grandparents and has a nick for them? If it's true what's the nick, and which ep was that mentioned?

Warrick was raised by his grandmother whom he calls Grams.
2. Do you guys know the eps wherein Warrick draws a gun?

The first one that comes to mind for me is 'And Then There Were None' Nick, Gris and Warrick are at a scene and Gil suspects there is someone in the outhouse. He says something like "Draw your weapons, boys." Which I always chuckle about, because the guys already have their guns out.

Another is in Stalker when Nick is thrown out the window.

I believe he has his gun out when he checks on Cath after she is attacked in A Little Murder.

He draws his gun out when the suspect gets shot at the end of A Bullet Runs Through it Part 1.

I guess you didn't want an entire book on the answer, did ya?


Joy22 said:
And the following question: What would you like to see in season seven for our man?

I want an episode the quality of Invisible Evidence. That episode showed us what our boy can do. We saw Warrick from every spectrum. It proved that our boy could ACT.

I want him in the episodes for longer than thirty seconds. I want him to have more lines than the labtechs.
I don't want him to be in an episode for the only purpose of sniffing a DB's shorts.
I want to see more of him and Nick working together.

Okay, I wouldn't mind another shirtless scene. I'll admit it!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

2. Do you guys know the eps wherein Warrick draws a gun?

Hey Dee, thank you for coming to my rescue! I know a lot about our man but a comprehensive list of Warrick with a gun was not in my head! Or maybe I just never pay attention to the gun :lol: Reading your list I came up with another moment. Warrick draws his gun in Abra Cadaver when he, Griss and Sara are in the house of the magican and they meet the assistent. Warrick draws his gun when the assistent startles Sara and she calls for his help.

Secondly, I agree with everything you said. I want decent storylines for our man. Not a "I'm married for no purpose but I will talk about it in every episode" storyline. And yeah, a decent storyline could have him shirtless too, why not? :lol: :devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:

Hey Dee, thank you for coming to my rescue! I know a lot about our man but a comprehensive list of Warrick with a gun was not in my head! Or maybe I just never pay attention to the gun :lol: Reading your list I came up with another moment. Warrick draws his gun in Abra Cadaver when he, Griss and Sara are in the house of the magican and they meet the assistent. Warrick draws his gun when the assistent startles Sara and she calls for his help.

Warrick also draws a gun in "Daddy's Little Girl" when him and Sara enter a house together.

Secondly, I agree with everything you said. I want decent storylines for our man. Not a "I'm married for no purpose but I will talk about it in every episode" storyline. And yeah, a decent storyline could have him shirtless too, why not? :lol: :devil:

Amen to that Joy22! He needs a good story like and nothing crazy or stupid. *sigh* A shirtless Warrick...how lovely! :D Was there ever an episode where he was shirtless?
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

*sigh* A shirtless Warrick...how lovely! Was there ever an episode where he was shirtless?

*GASP* you don't know shirtless Warrick! Shame, shame on you!
Most famous is Table Stakes, where he goes into the pool. The other is not as.....famous but just as lovely, High and Low, locker room scene with Catherine.
If you want further details.... those that I can't share in this thread.....pm me.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
*sigh* A shirtless Warrick...how lovely! Was there ever an episode where he was shirtless?

*GASP* you don't know shirtless Warrick! Shame, shame on you!
Most famous is Table Stakes, where he goes into the pool. The other is not as.....famous but just as lovely, High and Low, locker room scene with Catherine.
If you want further details.... those that I can't share in this thread.....pm me.

*head down* I am sorry for not know thinging the important shirtless Warrick moments iwantboromir

Oh ok. I haven't seen Table Stakes before so I didn't know much about that shirtless Warrick in that episode. Oh yeah! *slaps forhead* I remember the locker scene. :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
*GASP* you don't know shirtless Warrick! Shame, shame on you!

I second that!! The shirtless Warrick scene in season one was probably the moment that I went from CSI viewer to CSI fanatic :lol: Watching that scene makes you forget about all your problems :D And the shirtless scene with Cath is droolworthy too, just a bit shorter.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hey, everyone! Just checking in!

For thoes of you who haven't seen Table Stakes yet, Spike TV is having a CSI Memorial Day Marathon on Monday, May 29th. Table Stakes will be on at 2:00pmET. The marathon is from 1:00-10:00pm, starting with Anonymous, which also has a lot of Warrick in it!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Thanks so much everyone!

Yeah I could definitely use another shirtless Warrick scene. :D

I agree, we should have more Warrick-centered episodes like Random Acts of Violence. You know, the few Warrick scenes we got from the finale turned out to be my fave scenes from that ep. His scene with Ellie was awesome. His one scene in Rashomama was great also. Gary always gives great acting in the few scenes that they give him.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

cofi_shot said:
I agree, we should have more Warrick-centered episodes like Random Acts of Violence. You know, the few Warrick scenes we got from the finale turned out to be my fave scenes from that ep. His scene with Ellie was awesome. His one scene in Rashomama was great also. Gary always gives great acting in the few scenes that they give him.

I'm with you there. Another Warrick centered episode would be great! I love Random Acts of Violence for the fact that is was Warrick centered and just a very good episode overall. I'm glad he was given more screen time in the finale. I liked the scene he did with Ellie too.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I also miss thoes good ol' Warrick days...especially the shirtless days! :D

I was a little upset about his character this season. Everytime he was on, he talked about his wife(whatever her name is :rolleyes:), and we still don't know the outcome of that! For season 7, I hope they get rid of that "married" storyline anyway they can (I prefer as soon as possible)! No offense to thoes who still want the marriage to last for awhile.

I know Gary was filming in New York for the Perfect Stranger movie w/ Halle Berry and he is also working on an independent film called Slipping into Darkness, so that's why I think he was out all thoes times. In case anybody wants to know, Perfect Stranger should be coming out in January of 2007. :)

FYI: Gary recently attended the 37th Annual Police Celebrity-Golf Tournament this Saturday, May 20th. Marg's husband, Alan Rosenberg, was also there. I don't know how Gary did yet, but I hope he had a good time! :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

tiffalmil said:
I also miss thoes good ol' Warrick days...especially the shirtless days! :D

I do too. Hopefuly those days will come back soon...

I was a little upset about his character this season. Everytime he was on, he talked about his wife(whatever her name is :rolleyes:), and we still don't know the outcome of that! For season 7, I hope they get rid of that "married" storyline anyway they can (I prefer as soon as possible)!

I hear that! I want the marriage to Tina [the name of Warrick's wife tiffalmil] to end ASAP that way he can move on from her and not have to be held back by the marriage chain.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

csi_fanatic87 said:
I hear that! I want the marriage to Tina [the name of Warrick's wife tiffalmil] to end ASAP that way he can move on from her and not have to be held back by the marriage chain.

It's not the fact that he's married that bugged but the way they wrote it. All of a suddden, boom, he was married. Acting on impulse like that is not the way Warrick was written in the years before, his explanation was out of character. What made it worse for me was he fact that they took the story nowhere. I don't mind seeing him married if it got us decent storylines showing us how he was struggling to combine his job with being a husband. Instead we got a lot of comments about his marriage and then...nothing. That's what annoyed me.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

^^^ Yeah. It was like just because they got this marriage "storyline" for Warrick they felt no need to give him character development anymore. They could've played it out much better than that.

Anyways, I heard Gary got like two movies in the works so that may be the reason why we got so little Warrick this season.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Well, as much as I like the marriage to end, they still might give the 'marriage' thing another chance.

Maybe they should bring James back. Remember that James was the one who ran over a little girl in the street. James also had some trouble when he was in jail. I would like to see that relationship between Warrick and James again. A perfect storyline for Warrick.
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