"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I've got some freshly snagged (stolen) pics of my man that I thought I'd share.



Lil blurry, but mighty enjoyable!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ahh. I know why I was so confused... I just watched 6x01 and I haven't seen it before! I thought I did, but ever since I started college I cant catch my fave shows every week.

Booo this Tina women though. If she's not gonna get some kind of on screen appearance once in a while, there's no point to her!!

Warrick is the best though... I love him and stuff with Catherine/Lindsey. He's so sweeeeeeet when it comes to kids.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
Dont worry heydane, I have a feeling he'll be saying 'ex-wife' soon enough. :D

I sure hope so. I fell asleep during this weeks show can someone please give me a recap?

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Dee, today I have a double reason to adore you! You give us blurry but very enjoyable pics and of course you wrote that, funny, funny story. But I've already told you I liked that, well, I guess there's no harm in saying that again! :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
Dee, today I have a double reason to adore you! You give us blurry but very enjoyable pics and of course you wrote that, funny, funny story. But I've already told you I liked that, well, I guess there's no harm in saying that again! :)

Wow! Ya making me blush! If you have the time to spare, would you mind reading my new fanfic, I just posted the 10th chappy and I'm desperate for some real feedback. (Ru promised she would, but she's abandoned me. sniff-sniff)

I'm rather depressed right now, I blew my speakers out. No music on the pc for me!

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Loving the pic again! Is this new story part of your Gemma trilogy? I remember reading the first one and being captivated by it, I thought it was terrific. I have to get up to speed with the second story before I start reading the third but I promise I will send feedback on both the stories. I don't exactly have the time today but I'll start reading as soon as possible!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
Wow! Ya making me blush! If you have the time to spare, would you mind reading my new fanfic, I just posted the 10th chappy and I'm desperate for some real feedback. (Ru promised she would, but she's abandoned me. sniff-sniff)

I'm rather depressed right now, I blew my speakers out. No music on the pc for me!

ok ok... i think i can send u some speakers. AND I READ ALL 10 CHAPTERS TODAY!!! And let me tell u, you blew my mind. (Yes i had already read the first two but i wanted the full effect so i started from the beginning and spent the last 1hr reading) So it was awesome reading even if u made Warrick on the Highlander side and I would loved him more along the lines of Blade. *HINT FOR NEXT FIC* ;) :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

:( Sorry Ru, I'm not a Blade fan, I'm a Highlander fan! Thanks for reading and reviewing! I need all the input I can get.

Joy, my current fic is called No Escape and I'm looking for real reviews, critics and questions acceptable (just don't make me cry!) I'm glad you liked my Gemma series (or what you read of it) I don't like it anymore, lol. I see you've written a bunch that I haven't read, I'm planning on getting started on those after I get some sleep under my belt. I can't believe I've missed them!

Well, I can't hear him, but I can definitely look at him and thought I'd share!
bedroom eyes *sigh*
Okay, enough drooling and babbling, I gotta get to bed!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ok, No Escape it is then. But I am planning on reading the Gemma series in full again. I can't believe you don't like the stories, I loved them and you should be proud of them! And hey, Ru did read your stories, like she promised. I know she would, I have faith in my girl :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

*looks at Joy's post* At least someone has faith in me. ;) I may be slow, but I'm dedicated! :D

I'll give you more detailed review on ur next update, I was running out of time after reading all of them. But look at it this way, it was so good -I couldnt read just one. :)

Cant believe you dont like Blade. Hmpf Warrick would make an awesome Daywalker. BAH. Oh well, its hard enough to have CSI fans accept the scifi end. But glad you did something different. I love variety. Well there's an extent of variety that I'll enjoy (like when Warrick is written grossly out of character and he pimp slaps a woman) but always welcome diversity.

Aight aight, shutting up now! :p Here's an oldie but goodie... makes me think of No Escape
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
*looks at Joy's post* At least someone has faith in me. ;) I may be slow, but I'm dedicated! :D

I'll give you more detailed review on ur next update, I was running out of time after reading all of them. But look at it this way, it was so good -I couldnt read just one. :)

Cant believe you dont like Blade. Hmpf Warrick would make an awesome Daywalker. BAH. Oh well, its hard enough to have CSI fans accept the scifi end. But glad you did something different. I love variety. Well there's an extent of variety that I'll enjoy (like when Warrick is written grossly out of character and he pimp slaps a woman) but always welcome diversity.

Aight aight, shutting up now! :p Here's an oldie but goodie... makes me think of No Escape

Hey, what do you expect when I never see you online? I wouldn't think you were alive except that I see you post in this thread every once and a while.

LOL, I like that pic, but I think it would be great over in the crazy captions thread.

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

The CBS preview for the up coming ep Popping Tags has me revved up to see our man.
Looks like he's gonna b in a world of trouble this week. And as ABRTI established, he looks hella good when that happens. :devil:

***EDITED to include spoiler tags. Please be minful that even the slightest bit of information can count as a spoiler. Thank you.***
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I think he looks hella good no matter what happens, he could be singing a song and handing out balloons for all I care :)
But it's good to see there is some action going on with our man!

***EDITED to include spoiler tags. Please be mindful that even the slightest bit of information can count as a spoiler. Thank you.***
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Sorry Tally, i didnt have my coffee and didnt register that preview is the same as spoiler. :p Thanks for helping out. :)

I just noticed that CBS website preview is a little more detailed than what I remember ran after the ep this past week if anyone wants to b spoiled. :D Which BTW, I hadnt expected to get any Warrick in Spellbound but was rather pleasantly surprised. :cool: Dont you think, iwantboromir? ;) There was a priceless moment of him getting in trouble with Gil, which we havent seen since the time he and Nick were playing video games at the lab (one of my fav scenes from Anonymous, I think -help me out here Joy :p)... then him dumping on Greg for being the one to get him in trouble with Grissom. Poor Warrick :lol:

We also got to hear from him that he's trying to work things out in his marraige. :rolleyes: BAH! I love that he's trying to give his marriage his best effort. -Its admirable. But I dont like how unhappy he's always sounded whenever he's mentioned Tina (with the exception of him trying to rationalize to Catherine about why he got married to which I say -What else is he gonna say? I married Mrs Right Now and not Ms Right??? ok, ok back to point on hand)

I'm not wishing Warrick's marraige to end for the purpose of making him unhappy... I dont see him having found happiness with someone who, for the majority of the time mentioned, is constantly complaining.

Popping Tags[/i]]might either give me more resolve regarding his erroneous marraige with the drama that's shown to involve Warrick on the job (Tina's been uptight about his job since before marraige, which was seen in Grave Danger)... or it may make Tina appreciate Warrick more :rolleyes: But from what we've seen so far, I'm thinking it may b the straw to break the camel's back. *keeps fingers crossed* :devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I did enjoy the screentime my guy got last week and this week's preview looks good. Everytime it plays on the tv, I'm "Spellbound". lol

We better enjoy every bit of Warrick goodiness this week, cuz we're destined for a repeat the following week.
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