"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

WarricksBabyGirl said:
iwantboromir said:
iwantboromir comes in with a couple of Aces up her sleeve.

Ace #1
Ace #2

one is a URL cuz I'm having probs with editing *sigh*

Damn where did you find those????

Cant tell you were she found them exactly but I do know they are from a scene in a film called The Weekend. Maybe you'll come across them if u google that. :)

Joy22 said:
You know what, I cave, you guys win!
Ruzila your picture was incredible..love the eyes! And iwantboromir, who can beat that? :lol:

But, this game is way to fun so I'll up the stakes once again. A cast pic in which he is smoking hot!

Yes, I'm the most handsome one here!

Beat that :devil: :lol:
Hmm... I see your yummy cast pic and raise you Sexy in a suit...


Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Damn where did you find those????


Yes Rose, Ru was correct, they come from the movie "The Weekend".

And I got it the way I always get great pics, I snagged them from someone else!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yes Rose, Ru was correct, they come from the movie "The Weekend".

And I got it the way I always get great pics, I snagged them from someone else!

That is the best way to get pictures of course :lol: I'm glad you snatched them, it means we get to drool over them :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yep, that's the one. I've seen it on ebay, half.com and amazon, but it's too pricey for me. I just rented it on netflix a couple of times.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Must remember that, rent The Weekend on netflix :)
Thanks for the tip, girl! What would we do without your Gary-expertise. :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

thanks to a gentleman known as abc we get to see this scrumptious pic.... Gary 2001


*insert drool smiley here*
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I saw a rerun on Spike the other day of the episode where we meet Brass' daughter. I absolutely love her line to Warrick "You have a whole Lenny Kravitz thing going on. I'm not usually one for the brothers, but damn"

mmmmmm....so my thoughts ;)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hi all! I've been lurking and totally snagging the Gary 2001! *drools*

and the young pics. gah they look adorable!

eta: so i felt bad for not contributing anything. don't know if you've seen these but oh well hotness is worth repeating.. :)

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Nice picture with Aisha, really cute!
And Ruzila, that picture you posted is really, really gorgeous! I don't suppose you could send me a PM with a link to a bigger version of that beauty? Bats eyelashes?
Pretty please? :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Here's a couple I snagged of Gary performing live taken by a fan at the Spaghetti Factory in Hollywood. I love this first one!


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