"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

tiffalmil said:
Yeah, and I thought I was messed up....

You're not messed up for liking an actor or thinking that he's hot! Then I would be transported to the luny bin too. It's another story when you camp outside his house and start bothering him but the people on this board are all way to sane to do that...I hope... :lol: And hey, Gary's in luck, I live in Europe, that is one less potential stalker to worry about :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yeah, I second Joy. Everyone who knows me associates me with Gary, but I have enough respect and admiration to never want to cause him grief. Its very scary and sad when someone loses reality and gets to a point of causing chaos. Especially when you have little ones.

This makes me so mad in so many ways. He doesnt deserve it and it will have an effect on his relationship with fans. And who can blame him. There have been plenty of sickos in the past as was stated above.

So yeah, love the man but meeting him once would suffice for me (referring to her showing up on the set). Chasing him down and making him uncomfortable isnt something a real fan would do. My thoughts are with him and hope no harm comes to him or his family now or ever.

BTW, was there report that this idiot was caught?
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Funny. When Hottie told me about the news, my first reaction was "it wasn't RC, was it?" j/k, I know you won't kill me because you love me. :lol:

It's sad that some people think they can do such things to celebrities. I've heard about an extremely ridiculous example about a Marg fan but that's not the topic here. Anyway it's not about what you want but what the celebs deserve. They're human beings, too, and they deserve our respect. And I believe most people don't want their privacy to be invaded. *sigh* Some people just don't get it, do they?

Hope they catch the psycho soon.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

EricaSJ said:
Funny. When Hottie told me about the news, my first reaction was "it wasn't RC, was it?" j/k, I know you won't kill me because you love me. :lol:
Yes, you know me too well. You're a sweetheart and you've given us many Gary goodies so NO ONE is allowed to harm a single hair on your sweet head. :D You wanna see psycho? -Mess with my friends, I'll show you psycho! ;)

iluvEricSzmanda said:
I hope Gary stays safe~ I admire him but i wouldnt go that far as to stalk him... how bout a nice pic? :)

I wonder if he works out
Well hellooooooooo Sexy! :cool: Thanks for the warm thought and great present iluvEricSzmanda!

Maybe we can show some love and support on his site? Gary Dourdan.net
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iluvEricSzmanda said:
I hope Gary stays safe~ I admire him but i wouldnt go that far as to stalk him... how bout a nice pic? :)

I wonder if he works out

all I can say is.....
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I figured it was time to spice this tread up again, especially after all these talks of lawsuits and stalkers. So, I decided to present to you...my favorite picture of the man.:devil:

One click to hotness!

Show me the drool icons :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

i see your fav pic Joy and raise you my current fav pic! Hey everyone,
it's Gary Poker! :lol:

Place your bets! :devil:

~Edited: hmm not enough training? :D Picture width over the max size so it was turned into a clickable url. ;) ~
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I see your current favorite pic and raise you another favorite picture I have. Oh, who am I kidding, almost every picture that was taken of the guy is a favorite of mine but that is not the point.

Beat this! :lol:

Sooo hot!

Ok, I'm off now to enjoy my victory :devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Destiny said:

~Edited: hmm not enough training? :D Picture width over the max size so it was turned into a clickable url. ;) ~
:eek: sorry! Actually, I did it on purpose... I've missed you. ;) riiiiiiiiiiight :p (LOVE U, BIG D!) :lol:

Ok, back to Gary... :D I see ur pic Joy and I raise you... upping the ante in Gary Poker*

*Photo courtesy of lovely Lady EricaSJ -she loves me! :D

ETA: Edited cuz my friggin photobucket bites the big one
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

LMFAO yeah okay, we'll go with that. :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

hey guys... reading all this is weird. I mean he is hot without a dout but 2 invade on someones life is just wrong.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

You know what, I cave, you guys win!
Ruzila your picture was incredible..love the eyes! And iwantboromir, who can beat that? :lol:

But, this game is way to fun so I'll up the stakes once again. A cast pic in which he is smoking hot!

Yes, I'm the most handsome one here!

Beat that :devil: :lol:
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