"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

*headsdesk that Zsa changed to Froggy Gary avi* :rolleyes:

yes, not one of his best shots :lol:

Hey Joy, just tryin to give u something to look forward to u when u come back home to us Babe! ;) That'll teach u to leave us alone for 16 hours. :D

Now I'll try to leave this thread alone for 16 min. Kinda hard when Gary's in it. :p

But I'll leave food for thought...

CSI is anything but a 'feel good' drama. They love to toy in the dark and seedy. Let's put the cliche marraige aside for a sec and look at the past flirts Warrick's had on the show.

  • I recall Leah, lab tech, who's rose tattoo is Warrick's fav though the location was kept secret

    There seemed to b something with Mia (though over in YoBling FanFiction thread there was a hysterical take on that)

    Then there's his flirting with Catherine *works really hard at not going off thread*

    Of course there is Lily Ivers, the heroine junkie he fell for and dumped.

Now I know that Sofia made a comment to Mia in an ep about Warrick being hot :devil:, but I think I covered all his flirts. :cool: Please add them if you got them. :D

And if you cant think of any, what do you think of his bad boy ways?
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I showed up, Rc. Told ya I love ya ;). And I actually have something to add. I recall this flirty moment with a dispatch operator named Jen where he promises her drinks at his place in exchange for a tape recording of a suspects voice. It's in All for Our Country.

Not even gonna touch his bad boy ways. I'm trying to be good today, and I already blew it in RP...:devil:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hotness! Hotness RC!!! Thanks for the pics! he's so hot even Froggy Gary is the shiz. :lol:

Warrick's flirts : (and kinda covers his bad boy ways too).. I remember he also had Susan the Assistant manager of the Flamingo as his girlfriend then he was also flirting with the flight attendant (Mea Culpa, it wasn't shown on the ep, they just discussed about it)
He also flirted with a 911 operator/AV in All for our Country.
In Anonymous he was flirting with Nick :lol: "You love me. Who you kidding?" :lol:

well Warrick giving the eye sex = best bad boy way. :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Oh yeah and I have one more to add to the list;

Zsazsa. Each time I watch an ep, he's flirting with me. I can see him staring at me, his eyes saying 'Hey beautiful, wanna go for a ride?' :D

(And I always say yes but he never comes... Damn tease!)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Me like the oldies iwantbormir That is one of my favorite pics!
Also, I know that most people don't really like Tina that much but that short scene they had together did give us some pointers on how Warrick really flirts once he has someone. He's never been so damn sexy as he was in that scene. :devil: I still envy the actress who got to play that scene with him...
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:



Yes... i like referring to some of you wonderful people in charge as the gods of Talk :cool: ... others just get called mods. ;)

i know all about the wrath of the gods... i'm what can b known as hot headed AND hard headed.:p But i've only been spanked with the unofficial. :) Doesnt take more than a firm talkin to for me to shape up. ;) (I CAN B TAUGHT! :lol: ) Yep Destiny, there's always gotta b ONE hard head. ;)

Well as much fun as that was... back on to Gary. :)

A lovely lady known as EricaSJ was sweet enough to think of me and pass me his pics at the Grammys. And of course, i'm gonna share with all of you.

Gary at Grammys

Gary at Grammys 2
Gary at Grammys signing book
Gary at Grammys w/guitar
someone sneakin up on Gary at the Grammys

Gary at Grammys shakin his groove thang

groove thang part 2
Gary at Gramys 3
Gary at Grammys Teh Cool
Gary at Grammys Teh Cool pt 2

~Edited: Picture went over the max 400x400 so i turned it into a link. Next up please remember 6 url links per post please, thank you. *another lesson learned :D *~

Awesome pics! Gary ROCKS! :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Sorry i been AWOL... life's been non-stop fun since the New Year began. Lovin the repeat Still Life tonight... Scrumptious Warrick. He was so great with the kid. I melt at that scene.

So as a gift for my absence... i give to you Rockin Gary

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

oooh... feel free to drop in anytime Reeble :) You sure know how to make an entrance! :lol:

Love Gary given us the Peace Out :cool:

I want to say that second pic is his way of asking us to jump in his arms. Hmmm.... gonna stick with that thought. ;)

Hey iwantboromir and Joy, we need some more Gary vids... even if they get less traffic on ***EDITED because of New Ruling Regarding Fan Videos. Thank you. *** compared to here. I'm pimpin that site overtime on my off time. And its not even mine.

I'm workin on a vid with Warrick but I'm not remotely artistic so it will ba LONG time before its done. You artsy people gotta step in. :cool:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ya know I gotta have a song inspire me, that way it makes itself. I was thinking about making you a new yobling, but slow songs kill me. I'll try this weekend.
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