"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
Tell him Joy and RC would really love another dip in the pool in an upcoming ep if possible. There's just not enough of that in the show. :devil:

You read my mind, girl :lol: We want to see him swimming, boxing, anything. We really don't care what he does as long as he's shirtless and it doesn't even have to be relevant to the story! :devil:

*writing this down* Ok memo to Gary: Joy and RC wants to see you shirtless.. wet wearing the tightest jeans possible AND they also want to see a scene of you and me engaging in hot passionate kisses.. ok ladies will tell him :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ever since I heard him say that line in my sig.. I went out and bought like 50 pairs of the sexiest underwear I could find cuz I REFUSE for CSI to say that about me when I'm on the slab lol Especially if CSI looks like him! Even if my face is mangled at least my drawers will be hot lol
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

WarricksJeans said:
*writing this down* Ok memo to Gary: Joy and RC wants to see you shirtless.. wet wearing the tightest jeans possible AND they also want to see a scene of you and me engaging in hot passionate kisses.. ok ladies will tell him :D
Hey, I aint mad at ya. Especially if u get to b the reason he breaks up with Tina! :devil:

But HELL YES to the shirtless.. wet . Tight jeans arent healthy so lets nix that and just have him in boxers! :devil:

Oh and a head's up girlfriend, dont double post (two posts in a row) It angers the gods known as moderators :p :lol: Just click on the edit of ur last post and add what ya missed. :)


Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yikes thanks for the warning dont want to make the powers that be angry
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

We have been called alot of things, and yeah we can tell what some think even through that little monitor at times. :lol: but i don't think we have been called gods?

Hmm Tally is gonna love that one, the moderator gods, :D hmm has a nice ring to it... don't worry our ego's stay on solid ground. :p

As to angering us, nope you would have been informed of the rule and then if it was ignored we would inform again with a bit more ummm understanding, and if it was still ignored then we would unleash the wrath otherwise known as a "official" or "unofficial" warning.

Unofficial means we are giving a person a chance to chill.
Official means it goes the Higher god known as the Admin. :)

But you have the info and i am sure we can count that you as with everyone else will try your best to keep the rule enforced. ;)

*Thinks: Hmm gods, beats my nic-name of "Meanie Mods"* :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!




Yes... i like referring to some of you wonderful people in charge as the gods of Talk :cool: ... others just get called mods. ;)

i know all about the wrath of the gods... i'm what can b known as hot headed AND hard headed.:p But i've only been spanked with the unofficial. :) Doesnt take more than a firm talkin to for me to shape up. ;) (I CAN B TAUGHT! :lol: ) Yep Destiny, there's always gotta b ONE hard head. ;)

Well as much fun as that was... back on to Gary. :)

A lovely lady known as EricaSJ was sweet enough to think of me and pass me his pics at the Grammys. And of course, i'm gonna share with all of you.

Gary at Grammys

Gary at Grammys 2
Gary at Grammys signing book
Gary at Grammys w/guitar
someone sneakin up on Gary at the Grammys

Gary at Grammys shakin his groove thang

groove thang part 2
Gary at Gramys 3
Gary at Grammys Teh Cool
Gary at Grammys Teh Cool pt 2

~Edited: Picture went over the max 400x400 so i turned it into a link. Next up please remember 6 url links per post please, thank you. *another lesson learned :D *~
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yum... yum.... yumyumyumyum!


(That's the most 'coherent' reply I can utter about these pix)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:



Yes... i like referring to some of you wonderful people in charge as the gods of Talk :cool: ... others just get called mods. ;)

i know all about the wrath of the gods... i'm what can b known as hot headed AND hard headed.:p But i've only been spanked with the unofficial. :) Doesnt take more than a firm talkin to for me to shape up. ;) (I CAN B TAUGHT! :lol: ) Yep Destiny, there's always gotta b ONE hard head. ;)

Well as much fun as that was... back on to Gary. :)

A lovely lady known as EricaSJ was sweet enough to think of me and pass me his pics at the Grammys. And of course, i'm gonna share with all of you.

Gary at Grammys

Gary at Grammys 2
Gary at Grammys signing book
Gary at Grammys w/guitar
someone sneakin up on Gary at the Grammys

Gary at Grammys shakin his groove thang

groove thang part 2
Gary at Gramys 3
Gary at Grammys Teh Cool
Gary at Grammys Teh Cool pt 2

~Edited: Picture went over the max 400x400 so i turned it into a link. Next up please remember 6 url links per post please, thank you. *another lesson learned :D *~

*sigh* Soooo heartbreakingly handsome thank you for sharing Ruzila! If I get to meet him.. I hope my knees dont give out or I start stuttering like an idiot
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

*sigh* Soooo heartbreakingly handsome thank you for sharing Ruzila! If I get to meet him.. I hope my knees dont give out or I start stuttering like an idiot

Well then you could say he swept you off your feet. But he's a gentleman.. he'll help you up! :D :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ok, i CANT b taught! :lol: Thanks again Destiny.

See WarricksJeans... that is what is known as a mod slap. :p But from Destiny they're like mod taps on shoulders with an understanding smile. :cool:

and because i still wanna see Gary's mug on here, i'm fixing one of the pics to put here. This one is for you Zsa! cuz i like when u say Yum :devil:


plz tell me i did that right Destiny *waits anxiously*
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
ok, i CANT b taught! :lol: Thanks again Destiny.

See WarricksJeans... that is what is known as a mod slap. :p But from Destiny they're like mod taps on shoulders with an understanding smile. :cool:
We try to give you all the benefit when possible, and i believe everyone can be taught, its just that it takes time and patients from all involved that and we all slip up sometimes. :D
plz tell me i did that right Destiny *waits anxiously*
See told ya, it was just a slip and now you are back on track. :) Thank you. Umm Now breath. :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

*lets go of breath and pants profusely*

Good lookin out D! ;)


AngelEyez said:
I ain't Destiny but heck that picture can't be wrong! :D

So here we go; yum yum yum!
No ur not but ur loved. :) And agreed, any pic of Gary cant be wrong. Just not his best shots sometimes. *recalls Zsa's famous Froggy Gary icon* :rolleyes:

Anyway from the looks of this next pic, Gary likes when u say Yum too. :devil:


Dang he's a tease. *drools* Its already THAT unbuttoned. Just go all the way Gary and quit your torture! :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:

And agreed, any pic of Gary cant be wrong. Just not his best shots sometimes. *recalls Zsa's famous Froggy Gary icon* :rolleyes:

:D :D I replaced my avi just for you! :D :D

Anyway... hell yeah. That picture is hot as hell. I gotta make something with it...
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Damn, this tread is alive all of a sudden. Isn't that great! I go away for like sixteen hours and I have a hard time catching up with all those posts, talk to mods and pictures. And about those pictures, damn! Damn, damn, damn! That's all, I couldn't think of anything else to say to describe those pictures :devil:
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