Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

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Thanks for posting the link Fruitbat!:thumbsup: I have to watch it again! He really looks handsome and hot and l love that leather jacket and black shirt! :drool:And of course he's an awesome musician!

Hmm...somehow I started to need a cold shower...
well I think this will do!
Thanks for posting the link Fruitbat!:thumbsup: I have to watch it again! He really looks handsome and hot and l love that leather jacket and black shirt! :drool:And of course he's an awesome musician!

Hmm...somehow I started to need a cold shower...
well I think this will do!

Sam I love the cute. And your avatar is to die for...always was one of my favorite photoshoots of Gary...:drool:
thast was a very nice link on gary and thank you fruitbate. you all are right he does look very good in a black shirt and the leather jacket or the shirt. thanks a lot for the link. tak care, anne
Great link Fruitbat
Love to watch Gary and the band.
I have a soft spot in my heart for anyone that supports our Troops!:thumbsup:
And alas... a soft spot for 54 year old men who wear leather and make 20 something Hollywood "pretty boys" look like chopped liver.:devil:
Holy smokin' sex appeal Batman...Lt. Dan has got it goin on.
Thanks Fruitbat! :) that's actually one of own favourite avatars also. ;)

I agree with you that compare to Hollywood's "golden boys" Gary is much more near to my taste of men.:cool: He's a quite normal guy, but still there's something so special which you can't see at first, but soon you'll notice that you're basically drooling when you see him. :lol:
This is what happen to me and I was shocked at first when I heard his real age.:alienblush: I couldn't believe but in the end it didn't affect to my opinions of him. He's to me still one of the most sexiest man alive! :devil::drool::devil:

I'm in a spring mood today so here's some of Gary! Enjoy and keep buckets near to you! :D

stretch.jpg new summer dream is to be next to him!


His neck is so sexy.:drool::drool::drool: I just wanna stare at it! :lol:


Ooohh summer come faster! :scream: Seeing that pic I just wanna swim there and drop him in the water!:devil: Image now sexy he'd look in wet suit!


"Is it just me or does the temparature rise suddenly???"
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Thanks Sam for the nice pictures to the weekend. Thus one can enjoy the weekend even better.
I didn't even know it was on until I was flicking through the channels :( so I missed the first 20 minutes or so of it. But I liked the rest of it. My two favourite things-Gary and sci-fi :D I'm definitely gonna go get on DVD :)

You missed the first 20 NEED to get it on DVD you missed the shower scene..


Yep I have really loved Garys two ventures into SciFi Impostor and Mission 2 Mars are two of my all time favs.


I pop in here to see what's going on and I nearly have a freakin' heart attack! Granted, I have been warned that his pictures are too hot to handle, but good Lord! I required medical assistance after the top one! Just watched "Ransom" last night. He's a scumbag, but a very hot scumbag! :drool: Plus, we get to see a Gary cheek!! ;)
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