Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Well, :lol: as I said, I shoulda known you had tonnes of lovely pics, but here's the t-shirt pics I had in mind...



Nice Gary arms... :p :p :p

and for good measure, a few pics maybe seen less often, for those not getting to watch The Forgotten:

...with glasses...

...and without.

Nice Gary Sideburns :p :p :p
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Don't forget that in the flashback scenes in 'MtM' is young McCanna playing young Jim McConnell.

Looked a lot like Dad then, can only imagine now at 17 <g>

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.


well hey, that's a little closer to my age :D

But, Gary will definitely always be first in my heart (I guess it must be hard to compete with a dad like that!)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

17 you say :D *swoons* :lol:

aw.. gary has always a place in mah heart... *gg* no matter what he has on. glasses or no glasses *ggs* i just saw forrest gump again :lol:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Hmmm. I remember the first time we rented forrest gump, I was blown away by him in the role. Tom was good, but I kept waiting for Lt. Dan to come back on. Can't believe he didn't get the oscar for that - especially since I don't know who he lost to. Surely gary's performance was more memorable than the guy who won... (was to me anyways :p)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I agree. I've just done a google search and discovered that the winner of that category that year was Martin Landau, in a movie called "Ed Wood". I've never even heard of that. Surely Forrest Gump, and Gary in particular, was a greater hit than that... :(
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

^ I know! and :lol: i came to visit imdb and saw that some peeps call him Lt. Dan ;) see? he's memorable *gg* yeah I keep on waiting for him to come back on the screen :lol: love the war scene on that :D oohh Apollo 13 is back on again :p gotta love tv reruns
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I've seen Apollo 13 like 12 times this week, maybe they'll show it again and it'll be 13. I love Gary in it, he's amazing :)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Moska said:
Don't forget that in the flashback scenes in 'MtM' is young McCanna playing young Jim McConnell.

Ack! I gotta see this film. I can't find a copy anywhere!


McCanna was also in Impostor as the young Spence. Has his daddy's wickid eyebrows, as I've said time and again :D *nodsnods* I think I've seen a fairly recent picture of him (here in this thread, I believe) and he's a cute boy. Hee.

And going many, many, many posts back moska, I'm afraid I have no talent in writing MSR fics. Good or bad. You, however, have written one of my favorites Decisions, Decisions ;) Any follow-up on that?
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

ranma said:
And going many, many, many posts back moska, I'm afraid I have no talent in writing MSR fics. Good or bad. You, however, have written one of my favorites Decisions, Decisions ;) Any follow-up on that?

C'mon, Ranma, gotta dip your toes into the water eventually :) Even just working out small ideas can be fun. Email me sometime and we'll hash out some ideas :)

And thank you for the comment on Decisions. No, no further play in that particular universe. No fair having Stella decide his clothing for the day as I'm pretty sure she'd be dragging out his USMC dress blues :)

As for others. Hmm. Considering that I don't post them until they are completely finished and now ripped to shreds by my lovely yet brutal editor, I hazard to even talk about what I'm working on.... Oh well, maybe it'll give me the boost I need :)

I currently have 2 that I'm working on. One I began last October and deals only with the weekend before and day of Christmas. That one is on hold because it's just too hard to be Christmas cheery when it's 105 degrees outside. *Hopefully* that one will be ready before *this* Christmas because right now I'm only on day 1.5 of 4 and it's over 65 pages typed thus far.

The other one...well... I've got about 20 pages of handwritten notes and paragraphs but haven't really gone to the keyboard yet. Let's just say snow, some blood and lots cold weather are involved so far :eg:

Believe me, before you ask, I have *no* idea why I write so much with snow in it. I think it's because being a displaced Ohioan in LA that I miss it :)

I just keep pluggin' along on them as I can and hope for the best :)


PS. To keep this on the Gary side... LTDB is gonna be back at the Galaxy Theater on 11/3 :)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

WOW new fic..I will look forward to them..65 pages in one of them, even better LONG need cookies, or a cheering section......let us know...we can nag to if need be.. :D :D :D :D

You know I would love to be able to see Lt Dan Band....but living in Scotland its VERY unlikely....sigh!!!!! :( :(

Here have a snowy pic of Gary...


Isnt he CUTE :D :D
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