Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

hey guys over here in the UK (Macslady will know this) we have a didital channel calle FiveUS which sows a lot of US TV programmes, this is how we have a lot of reruns, and in between some eps you get to see interviews with the cast and oyther stuff. Anyway I found one on youtube with Mac and thought you might want a look here..
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

What a cool interview! I just wish it were a bit longer - it's always interesting to hear the actor's opinions of their characters. Plus, he looks gorgeous... :) Thanks Natty...
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Thanks for posting that interview...
I am a youtubaholic and I have never seen that before!!! Good find!!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Just got next week's TV guide, and on the back page where they list the horoscopes and print a pic of a celebrity whose birthday falls in each month, they have a picture of Gary, for Pisces! :D Whatta cutie!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Some sinister for you all :devil:



Hiya MB...seen it....he is aaaaaaaadorable :D :D :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Oooooh...LuvingMyHoratio, I'm luving those pix! Much thankees for posting them! (The man has to wear turtlenecks once in awhile...preferably a tight black turtleneck. Then the writers have to find a way to make him rip it off, of course... :D)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

i love the second one. *drool* his stare just makes me numb :lol: thanks for sharing!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.


**THUD** Damn.....lucious and yummy, Sinister and hot. As our temperatures melt, and our body's begin to combust :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

YUMMY!!!! Gorgeous pics, LMH. I especially like the one of him in the black turtleneck and the most recent one.
Hey, last night I got my Of Mice & Men DVD out just to re-watch the barn scene. He's so hot there.
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

OMG i love that pic LMH ive not seen it before where's it from?
i have to go back to school this week so wont be getting my gary fix as usual :( ill be on occasionally tho :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Holy Sh*t...WOW...errr *THUD*

Oh good grief what a pic to find first thing on a Sunday morning..well there goes my brain straight into the gutter for the day. :D

I havent seen that pic in ages and god he looks edible :devil: :devil: :devil:

Thanks LMH what a lovely way to wake up...

grssom89 said:
OMG i love that pic LMH ive not seen it before where's it from?
i have to go back to school this week so wont be getting my gary fix as usual :( ill be on occasionally tho :D

grssom89 the picture you were asking about is from a photoshoot in a magazine called Player. If I remember correctly that pic was on the cover...
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