Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

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Fruitbat! I am simply awed with your collection. You're my hero!

Orison said:
As for Gary, after seeing him in person I have to say my respect for him as an actor is growing by the minute. Oh, and he's a lot more handsome too! *g*

Oh, wow. You saw him??? Details please! :D

ETA: I saw your thread :D But if you've got more about Gary, do post them here. Heh. A Taylor Girl can never get enough of Gary.
Orison said:
As for Gary, after seeing him in person I have to say my respect for him as an actor is growing by the minute. Oh, and he's a lot more handsome too! *g*

Orison you are so lucky.
Orison, you lucky, lucky, lucky person! I am so envious of you, and yes, please share details!
What thread is that, ranma? (EDIT - Have just found the thread and I have to say again - You're So Lucky Orison! What a dream come true that would be....!)

I just loved him in Forrest Gump, too. It's one of my favourite movies. He's just such a versatile actor, it amazes me!
You're sooo lucky.

I'd have trouble saying anything...would probably just stand there gaping lol. And maybe drooling *g*
Oh, me too Mel! I'd like to think I'd be cool, calm and suave, and bowl him over with my wit and charm, but I'm sure I'd probably make a huge fool of myself and die of embarrasment!! :D
MacsGirlMel said:
I'd have trouble saying anything...would probably just stand there gaping lol. And maybe drooling *g*

I've thought it be cool to be an extra on any CSI even if it was a dead body. Although i probaly would get sick just looking at myself. :lol: I don't do well with human blood and stuff like that.

I'd end up being in a scene on Sid's table and it has Sid explaning stuff to Mac and I wouldn't be able to control myself....I know i would have this sh
tty a** grin on my face and would becoming a puddle of gooooooo..
I'd be so nervous and excited. the next problem would be if they have to touch me i'm very ticklish.. :eek: Just image Gary touching my arm :devil: and i start giggling.
A dead body giggling..
They'd have to yell cut a million times and drug me to shut up ;)
My problem would be that id problably slip on my own drool and fall rigth on my face and make an a## :eek: of myself in front of him.
I'd probably turn into a tomato. Red, short, squat --- just sitting there :D

Oh and feenx, about that short Open Season Gary interview, he said his kids have been talking to him trying to do something like it for 10 years :D He also said Ashton was hysterical in it and Martin Lawrence was very funny. He said a wee bit more but that's what I remember off the top of my head.
^thanks for that ranma..
I will agree with the rest Orison!!! ..If I have seen him [which is imposssible :( :rolleyes:]I am not sure what I would do..probably because I am a shy kid[ ;)yep..] I would just stare but,who will ever know! :p
Well, I'm usually like that, my brain goes to overdrive and I forget all the basic stuff (like breathing *lol) so I was happy just watching him from a distance.

My first impression was that he looks a little shorter in person, something I've noticed with other actors too but other than that man, he's soooo handsome! ;) He was wearing a dark red shirt and that color looked great on him.
lol me too, CSI Chick...I'd wanna grab Mac/Gary and thoroughly kiss him if I were lying there with a sheet over me lol.

Feenx, yeah I think they're all teens. Mac, who gave our boy his name, has showed up in a couple of Gary's projects according to IMDB.
Yeah, the young Spencer Olham. Mac Sinise has his daddy's wikkid eyebrows, fer sher.

Feenx, his kids are 18, 16 and 14 if I'm not mistaken so less 10 years...yeah, I could see them wanting their dad to do something like OS :D
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