Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

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*run to fan art*
thanks a bunch FRUITBAT!!!!

ill be back with a sexy gary banner thats THE RIGHT SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^^Heheh. I'm trying to be an adult about it so I'll refrain from childish behavior :p

My mantra: Gary is meant to be shared! :devil:
Uh, no? I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to ihnc (hence the two ^^). And besides, you can't make me tell you why! :p

*zigzags across the line on her skates with Polly from Jamalot in tow*

Drat, there goes my resolve to act like an adult :lol:

Coz I miss Gary...

Oooh, he's ready to play!
ranma is love, but I'm still first. :D and I heart that picture, where'd you find it?

*brings Feenx up behind me* Here you go.
I love that picture of him! And is that a tongue I see? Tongue Porn! Weeeeeeee! :lol:

And I agree, Gary is made for sharing! :p
iheartnickcath said:
ranma is love, but I'm still first. :D and I heart that picture, where'd you find it?

Poor Nicky. Tsk, tsk. Where's your loyalty, woman? :D I got that pic from the fantastic Sinise Daily

And yes, MBGris, I also think that's his tongue. He's teasing us, demmit :p

Sorry 'bout that outburst, feenx. Too much coffee, methinks. I'm back to my rational self, really.

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