Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

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Ranma, I still love Nicky :D
Sinise Daily?... yeah, I have other thoughts there.

*gets pushed by Melly* Dangit woman! *tackles you* I'm first!
*begins fighting with Lynn* me me me! Actually I can just go under the radar and sneak to the front without fighting. I'm short enough, I'd just crawl up but I'm afraid of getting trampled.
We wouldn't trample on you... wait, yeah we would. But I'm still first!.. *shows you papers* See. Says, "Lynn is first". Feenx has papers for second. :D
Sorry but... the first in line and it's me... I'm older and more experienced!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: but i let you come for Gary with me!
awwwww....he's soooo cute!!

he's sooo not shy either, id have thought he would be shy....most of the charecters he plays are shy

but nevermind id hit that!!
He isn't, isn't he? :D

I also thought before that he'd be a reserved bass player you know? But from the accounts I've read, he's quite the band leader. And then I also remember that he's from the theater so I'm sure he plays to the crowd :cool: Man, what I would give to see him perform. *Sigh*
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