Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

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I just LOVE that last picture. Melly I know its your birthday and all, but I'm snagging him in that one!
i couldn't do anything but agree with you obilly ...btw nice avvie :)...and Mel sorry i missed your B-day but i'm now sending my best wishes to you...happy B-day ;)
Pics from Forest Gump,
Streetcar Named desire
And two publicity if we could just get rid of the towel..*g*...I know I'm shameless....*slips on the drool on the way out*
He still has those ridges (the ones on the side, near his chest area) as seen on CotP.

iheartnickcath said:
I just LOVE that last picture. Melly I know its your birthday and all, but I'm snagging him in that one!

*gets out claws and teeth* Step away from the towel! Mine, all mine!
Mel23 said:
Step away from the towel! Mine, all mine!
so where gonna start the figth's on
Oops, please take down your sabers (or whatever weapons you have) and take a look at this: From the Zuiker interview on the front page:
"We felt like Gary Sinise in particular needed to have a real big game plan this season, meaning he needed a love interest and he needed a nemesis, and we're working on both of those right now," he reveals. "Gary had some reservations about the opening scene, and I said to him, 'Gary, you are the star of the show and you are stud, and your character needs to sleep with this woman. Period.'
Stud? Stud? I dunno why but I'm LMAO at this one. I mean, I loooove, loooove Gary but I've somehow never seen him as a stud :lol: I see so much more before I see him as a SO (OMG, I'm not that shallow after all, haha)

So he was reluctant eh?
I bet that the reason he wasn't too fond of the idea is because he's married.. Remember? And has children, too. If it wasn't for the fact that it was television, his wife could divorce him for cheating. D=
If mac goes serious with the new woman ,we will know who to hurt..! :rolleyes:

he was-is-and will be always cute..the most times we saw him!.. :lol:

you got a point shuriyu !>. :) won't be the best thing for his family to see him with another woman-even when she is not real at all :rolleyes:-..
Gidday from Down Under. Wow, so nice to find somewhere that the unbridled lust of Gary Sinise can be unleashed!! Wot fun :)
I'm in a Gary/Mac drought at the moment, coz S2 has just finished screening on TV, and S1 isn't even out on DVD yet! Oh, I miss my weekly dates with Mac!
Welcome, kiwifan! Glad you made it here :D I know what you mean by the drought. We still have three more eps to go here but I've already seen them. I'm just so happy I got the S1 dvds to keep me company.

As for Gary's kids, aren't they like, grown-up already? (18, 16 and 14?) --- not little tykes anymore. From what I've read and seen in his interviews, I'm pretty sure they're a well-adjusted family (but what the hell do I know, really? And I'll leave it at that ;) )

In any case, I'm still hoping (dreaming is more like it) he'll do a romantic comedy *someday*. You know, where he gets to be a nice guy and gets the girl? Sure, I love his badass roles but sometimes, I wish... *sigh*
Yes, his kids are 18,16 and 14, and he's always been described as a devoted family man (sigh!), which is so nice - lucky them :)
Wouldn't a romantic comedy be great! Yeah, some of his bad-boy roles are great (long hair in Reindeer Games!! :devil: ), but I think of something like Apollo 13, where he was such a nice guy, and I'd love to see him do a romance - so we can all dream of course! ;)

I have ordered S1 DVD's from Australia, and they get released on 6th Sept, so only another couple of weeks till I get them!! Yay! I was gutted - I missed the last ep of S2 due to a powercut!! I saw the first 5 mins and the last 5 mins... gutted!! But no-one tell me what happened, cos I'm looking forward to seeing it :)
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