G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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It a weekend long event called "Salute to Chicago's Finest". The Lt. Dan's Band concert is just part of it. There are going to be several other celebraties from the Chicago there too.
I see. I guess I got confused. For a minute there, I thought WP was gonna be part of the concert. Thanks for clearing that up! :D
So I read in the news bullets that WP will appear in the Lt. Dan Band's concert in Chicago. Anyone here will be going?

I had no idea that they were going to be here again. I've got a party at a friend's place Saturday night, so I won't be going this time around. But I've seen them three times now--I need a rest. :lol: They are really good though--if anyone has a chance to go, I recommend trying to see them!
Yep, it isn't. OTOH, at least you live in the same country where my other hubby lives ;)

Here I go again: Anybody seen The Forgotten? How is it? Does he have a lot of screentime? :D
Yep, it isn't. OTOH, at least you live in the same country where my other hubby lives ;)

Here I go again: Anybody seen The Forgotten? How is it? Does he have a lot of screentime? :D

I forgot he was in the movie...(forgotten) and I didn't rent it....::sobs::

Although i must say, I love the butt shot. :eek: VERY nice.
He is in it a fair bit and he does look sexy as ever. He plays the shrink I cant remember his name right now.


Hopeless Mac Fan
Butt shot?? What butt shot?? :devil:

sMacdown, do you know anything about this?? :D

Well, you sent me scrambling to my screen caps of "The Forgotten" because I sure didn't remember any butt shot in that movie. And, as Bitten will attest, this is one my one area of expertise. I can practically tell you what frame you can see the man's caboose in any given movie. :lol:

But I don't have any caps of bodacious Dr. Munce booty. In fact, Gary wears an appalling amount of clothing throughout the film -- including, at one point, a heavy winter coat.


So no, no butt shot that I can find. If you can tell me which scene it was in, I could try to go back and find it and make a screen cap. Or were you perhaps thinking of another flick?

As for the question of how much screen time he gets in "The Forgotten," the answer is, sadly, not much. He only has a handful of scenes, none of them especially long. It's kind of a lame movie overall. It started out with an interesting premise, but then just got plain silly at the end, like they ran out of ideas and just needed to tie up the plot in a hurry.

He is, however, thoroughly scrumptious as Julianne Moore's psychiatrist and I would gladly violate any number of doctor/patient confidentiality laws with this man:


Dayummmm. He looks real good. I guess I *will* borrow it over the weekend. I can always scan forward anyway :devil:

Thanks much sMacdown!
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