G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Hey, somebody mentioned butt shot while talking about Gary. It was s knee-jerk reaction. :D

I understand. You notice it made my head spin around and sent me scrambling to Photobucket... :lol:
That is one beeyooteefull banner, sMacdown :D

I'm not sher where all the pictures are from though. Lemme see if I got it right (from L-R)

1. The Stand
2. An Armani shoot
3. ehhh...Snake Eyes?
4. :confused:
5. Grammys? (with Reba McEntire?)
6. from NY

How'd I rate? :D
OOh can I play. I think they are from

Of Mice and Men
Armani photo from Emmy Mag
Snake Eyes
Green Mile

How did I do..
Nice work, Fruitbat!

Tsk. I only got 3 out of 5 :eek: Dang, I've really gotta re-watch Of Mice and Men - I've seen it only once on the year it was released *hangs head in shame*

I've never seen TGM. Not really a big fan of Tom Hanks and I'm told Gary only appears a few minutes innit. Oh, well.
I've really gotta re-watch Of Mice and Men - I've seen it only once on the year it was released *hangs head in shame*

Oh yes, Ranma, it's worth checking out again... and again... and again... (Seriously, it is a gorgeous film, beautifully acted and directed by none other than Gary Sinise.)

I've never seen TGM. Not really a big fan of Tom Hanks and I'm told Gary only appears a few minutes innit.

Gary is only in one scene. Granted, it's a good one but no, not much screen time.
And he did look so yummy in TGM. Sigh!

I have ordered OMAM waiting impatiently for it to arrive......Fallen Angel arrived two days ago. *THUD* God the man is beautifull in that film.

I will await impatiently for CSI NY season 2 to get to the UK.
Yanking thread back from Oblivion...

I hope that I'm not too much of a n00b that it works.


Someone else do this... <Bawls in frustration>

Thank you, Good Little Wench... wait'll you see my fan fiction. ;)

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