G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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^ Oh Lordy.

I need a prayer :D

From COS:
Our hottie who art in Hollywood,
Hallowed be thy pecs.
Thy fangirls come -- and come undone -- watching TV as well as movies.
Give us this day our daily Sinise.
And forgive us our hotlinking,
as we forgive those who hotlink against us.
And lead us PLEASE into temptation,
and deliver us evil Gary. Amen.

Does anybody know what role Gary plays in The Big Bounce? Does he appear onscreen a lot? The reason I'm asking is I've been seeing this title on our local video store's shelves and I'm thinking of renting it.

Thanks a bunch!
ranma, I'm glad you like the prayer! :D

As for "The Big Bounce," I thought it pretty much sucked although I am a big fan of both Owen Wilson and Morgan Freeman. The movie was a yawn and I really despised the gal who played Owen's love interest. She got waaaay too much screen time, while Gary got practically none. He only has 3 or 4 scenes and they are very brief.

It's worth renting only if you're a completist like I am, but the movie itself is a massive disappointment.
Thanks a lot smacdown!

Rats, the only Gary movie in our local video store that seemed to have a lot of copies and he's not much in it :( I'm not really a completist: I'm still missing my XF S8 boxed set, dammit! And X-Files is my one true love...other than Colin Firth and Hugh Jackman, hehe.

Yeah, the prayer rawks :D Anything involving Gary and kneeling, I am soooo there!
The movie was a yawn and I really despised the gal who played Owen's love interest. She got waaaay too much screen time, while Gary got practically none. He only has 3 or 4 scenes and they are very brief.

Preach it, sister. That gal drove me crazy too. I was very happy when she was left on the side of the road at the end. :lol:

Didn't Gary give Owen the finger when he was driving off in his Jag? Gary's character was a real ass and he played it well. He really should have had a lot more screen time.
Didn't Gary give Owen the finger when he was driving off in his Jag?

I think you're right but it's been a long time since I watched it. I will make a point to cap his scenes sometime soon. (I just made several dozen screen caps of "It's the Rage." Bitten, I'm thinking of you, babe! If loving Mr. Morgan is wrong, I don't wanna be riiiiight... :lol:)
I need to learn how to do screencaps. I'll put that on my to-do list along with the thousand other things on it. :rolleyes:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! :lol: Well done!

That movie would have been a whole lot better if they would have given our dear Gary more screen time. He should have had a love scene. It would have really added to the quality of the movie. :devil:
He should have had a love scene. It would have really added to the quality of the movie.

Yes, but only if it were with someone other than the sulky stick girl. Not even Gary could make a love scene with her look convincing -- I've seen corpses that are more animated! :lol:
Ya gotta point there. She was his mistress so if he had had one, it probably would have been with her. Still, it would have made for some great screencaps! :devil:
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