G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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GuelphGal said:
Uuuuuuh... *thud*
Are you trying to kill me? :p

Yessssss! But what a way to go, 'no? :lol:

I dunno about you but I love to see Gary with the bass. And Gary playing bass in somewhat semi-formal clothes is just *guh*

Tink of GSC found them at a PBS site. He looks great doesn't he?

*must really stop looking for Gary's pics and go back to work*

ETA: They're from a LDB performance on Memorial Day (not sure which year though)
*sigh* he's so...so...need a new dictionary for you, Gary!!!
He's lovely, playing bass dressed like Mac :p
ranma said:
ETA: They're from a LDB performance on Memorial Day (not sure which year though)

I think it was last year.

He does look quite good with the bass! Too bad I won't get to see him in person with it. Sadly I have no one to go to the show with *sigh*
Those are the pic used on two TV guide papers in last week's newspaper. I have one of them pinned up on my pegboard/poster hanger. Yum!
He's so cute in that second one :)

When he smiles like that it just makes me go all gooey inside :D adorable. Thanks katpin31791 :)
Great shots katpin, thanks! :p I love it... the man all serious and hard at work, and the man all smiles. And he do look adorable both ways! :D
You know, if Gary ever smiled at me like that, my judo training will come in handy --- I'd have him pinned down on the floor in five seconds. I'm slight but I'll have the advantage of surprise (of flashing him first) :devil:
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