G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Thanks for the welcome everyone! :) I enjoy Carmine too and have been lurking in threads related to him for longer than I have been lurking in this one so they don't scare me too much!

Mops and buckets, eh? I may have to go shopping!

You know, I keep saying to myself 'he's as old as my father, he's as old as my father.' but it's not working! Especially when watching Of Mice and Men and determine that since he was not yet 40 when he did the movie it must be okay to drool.
GuelphGal, you gotta watch Gary in "Imposter", and then you'll definitely realize not only is it OK to drool, but it's impossible not to... :p (Can you say "Shower Scene"? "Shirtless Scenes"? Yes, I knew you could! :D)

Yeah, I'd love to see a crossover with CSI/V & CSI NY, too. Even though WP is totally against the spinoffs, maybe he wouldn't object too much to a crossover with CSI NY, since he and Gary are both from the Chicago theatre circuit from years back.

We all know that only a few characters from each show appear in the crossovers. Which city would you like to see it take place in, NY or LV? And which characters would you like to see involved? Plot ideas?

I think I might like to see it take place in LV. Mac and Danny go there. Main reason being that the NY characters seem to have stronger personalities, and I think the LV characters might be more comfortable having it on their own "turf". Besides, I'd love to see the LV criminals get a taste of NY justice (and snark, LOL). I'm thinking Cath might take a serious liking to Mac (could you blame her?) Just as long as she looks but doesn't touch, I'm fine with that... :D LOL I could see Danny and Hodges either seriously butting heads, or seriously getting along due to their respective "Snark" levels, not sure which one. Seriously, what would you all like to see re: a crossover?

(Y'know, this subject could probably have it's very own thread. Has there been a "Crossover" thread yet? Should we start one?) *MB, too lazy to look through all the pages to see if there has been a Crossover thread yet*
MB your nuts, but we love ya...and I think they made a NY/MIAMI thread, but I never seen a NY/LV thread, until you made one ;)
Welcome to the love, hamstermoon and guelphgal :D

I bring Gary goodness:

caps were made by aljomom over at Sinise Daily

hamstermoon, I've yet to see Mission so I can't help you with that alien thing but please do bring on the caps. I have no idea what you're talking about, lol.

*tells herself that's just the hood, the hood, demmit*
Oooooh, now that's the kind of treat I like to see before I have to dash off to work in the morning! *Scratching head, wondering how I can concentrate on work now*
MBGrissom said:
Even though WP is totally against the spinoffs, maybe he wouldn't object too much to a crossover with CSI NY, since he and Gary are both from the Chicago theatre circuit from years back.
At the time of the Miami spinoff, I was so sad hearing that things from WP :( but I hope he changes his mind a little :p

Ranma, have you some cold water? Those pics are HOT! :eek:
Heads up for Gary fans:
American Film Institute (AFI) has a special program airing tomorrow night on CBS (pre-empting CSI NY :( ) highlighting their picks for the 100 Most Inspiring Movies. It appears, from the commercials, that Apollo 13 is one of the movies, and it looks like Gary is interviewed as one of the guests. Worth a watch, to see Gary, but the program overall looks like it'll be interesting.

Speaking of Apollo 13, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet (Gasp! Could there possibly be a Gary Fan out there who hasn't had a chance to see it yet?) it will be playing this Saturday night on the Bravo network, at 7pm CST.
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