G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Trust me, he's probably still wearing eyeliner or at least eye makeup of some kind even in NY, it's just not obvious because Mac has to have a natural look. But if he didn't wear any sort of makeup his features wouldn't show up on camera.
And I for one like to see his gorgouse(?) features. A lot of men ware eyeliner because I feel that it brings out their eyes nire which is great. So I'm all for Gary waring eyeliner :devil:
It brings out his eyes a little more in the movie.. but at certain angles, like when the camera is above and looking down and he's looking up, it's much too obvious and looks like too much. O__o; *showed my friend the last half an hour and had a squeeling fangirl on my hands..* She thinks eyeliner on guys is hot ^^;

*Gorgeous + More ((Sorry, walking spellchecker here!))
Well until now for me it was only obvious with Eddie, but I don't really understand it. I mean the guy has such nice eyes, why ruin it with eyeliner? :confused:

Sometimes black eyeshadow can look nice on a guy, but eyeliner? Give me a break! :rolleyes:

Oh and make-up doesn't have to include eyeliner. ;)
Great pictures, thank you! :) We were talking about you, that you hardly come on here anymore. I'm kinda new here, only been around this year, but I saw some of your photos with Gary and Carmine and I gotta say, you're one lucky girl Melissa! :D
Glad to know I was missed! LOL Didn't think anyone would notice my absence, actually.

Anyway.... I'll try to be around more.

The show was excellent and even chatted with Gary for a sec after the show and that certainly reinforces my opinion that he is a great guy!

I'm at your gallery checking all the pics from the On Location album. It really gives us a little idea how a shoot looks like. Thanx for that! I love the pics! :)

Do you mind if I post some of them in the Drool Thread? I'll credit you and post your link too of course. :)
If you're going to post it, just post the link... I've been instructed by The Powers that Be to just have them on my web site because they are protected so no one can steal them. Thanks for your understanding!

Thanks for sharing the lovely pics!

It's very enjoyable to see Gary playing bass so enthusiastically. I feel like bobbing my head already even without hearing what rhythm he's playing :lol:
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