G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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The Stand is my favorite Stephen King book and I was so excited when it was made into a movie. Gary was virtually unknown then. My Mom saw him on some talk shows and told me about him and of course when the movie came out I was in love. I had always loved Stu because of what a decent guy he was and I think Gary is a lot like that in real life too. Just look at all the good works he is into with the USO and Operation Iraqi Child. And I like that he is so loyal to his family, especially his kids. That seems so rare in Hollywood these days. So many couples are having kids before they really even know each other, then try to figure it out afterwards. i guess I'm old fashioned.
demor215, I never thought I'd find another person who fell in lust with Gary due to The Stand. Everyone's always "Oh, yeah, The Stand is good but I first saw him as Lt. Dan!" I was barely pubescent when The Stand came out and, in fact, didn't watch it on TV. I watched it for the first time...maybe a year or so later (I know I saw it before I saw Forrest Gump, that's for sure) and my little preteen heart fell head over heels for this guy. This many years later I still have a special place in my heart for Stu Redman. :)
My views are mixed, especially with the drawings in the Complete Uncut Stand. I usually do think of Stu as Gary now though...sometimes the other mental images come out like the actors, sometimes not. Especially Harold, I don't see him as that Corkin guy. They also missed one little thing with Glen; Stu would rib him about his near baldness but Ray Walston had a lot of hair.
Bitten you've got a soul mate in me, that's for sure. I loved the book for years before it was a movie. I just wish the movie had been longer. There was a lot of negative press at the time about it being too long, but the true fans of the book knew it could have gone another two to three hours anyway. I have the DVD with the director's commentary on it and they talk about lots of scenes that were cut from the movie. I'm going to go to Stephen King's web site and ask them to re-release it on DVD with those scenes put back in. Couldn't hurt.

Mel - I guess they did what the could with Harold. He should have been a lot fatter, though. And Ray Walston was about 20 years too old for that part but he was good. did you notice Harold on CSI on the first season? I forget the episode name but his wife was killed. I was amazed at how well Gary looked next to him. He's got to be at least 20 years older and Gary looked younger. I like it.
I have never noticed it when I saw the episode, but you are right, is Harold:


And now, just because we love him (and we want to do naughty things with him :devil:)


I've never seen the The Stand and have been trying very hard to get a copy for quite awhile :( I feel very deprived. Tsk.

And yeah, G.A.S. stands for Gary Alan Sinise :cool:
ShuriyuCSI said:
CharmedHeiress said:
:( I must be the youngest here, I'm only 14, but I'm a 'responsible and mature' 14 yr old.

Actually, I'm younger.. you were born on the 15 of May, correct? 3 of June, 1991 here >__< ((Same as Anderson Cooper's birthday, hah!))

Yeah, what does the A stand for?
:)Wow, our birthdays are so close together! I'm glad I'm not the only young teen here. I haven't seen the Stand (I know, shame on me) But I really want to.
demor215 said:
Bitten you've got a soul mate in me, that's for sure. I loved the book for years before it was a movie. I just wish the movie had been longer. There was a lot of negative press at the time about it being too long, but the true fans of the book knew it could have gone another two to three hours anyway. I have the DVD with the director's commentary on it and they talk about lots of scenes that were cut from the movie. I'm going to go to Stephen King's web site and ask them to re-release it on DVD with those scenes put back in. Couldn't hurt.

I was one that picked up the book after seeing the movie (can't help it, I was too young for Stephen King before the movie cam out!) but I totally fell in love with the book. I list it among my top five favorites and, actually, I'd probably say it IS my favorite (I feel like such a bad Lit major, like I should have a classic as my fave or something, lol). Aside from the Gary factor, I just LOVE the premise of the book, it really makes you think, you know?
I liked the idea of not having to go to work anymore. When I read it I was a working mom with a small child and life was so hectic. There was never enough time for anything. Stephen King said he liked the idea of not having to pay the mortgage. He said "It's like - good, I got those bastards off my back."
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