G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Gosh I just read the last few posts from LyLou and Blue girl. If you girls are young enough to be Gary's daughters, then that make me old enough to be your Mom! And I was talking about sex to you. I'm mortified!
25. God I wish I was 25 again. I'm going to be 50 this year. Hmm, I'm close to his age...... Do I win? I will share.
What about 21 anyone want to be that age, lol. 50 isn't old demor215 as they say your as young as you feel!
Absolutely. I really don't feel any older than 25 inside, it's just that the outside is shot. But why waste time whining about it, ya know?
:D Demor honey, don`t worry, Sex and Gary are two of our favourites topics, :devil: I`m 19 but I`m traumatized already, so no problem :lol: besides the love (and the lust :devil:) dosn`t have age...

Kisses sweeties.
I'm just so thrilled to have some Gary fans to talk to. I've been in lust since The Stand originally came out (1993 or so) and no one seemed to get it but me. You girls are a real treat.

Speaking of The Stand - do you know how Gary got the part of Stud Redman? (that's not a typo!)
OOOH yeah!!! *sigh* I adore the book anyway, I think it's my all time favorite. Gary was just an added bonus :D

My favorite funny one is from the barbecue scene

One of the ladies(I forget whether it was Susan Stern or Lucy Swan) You are the perfect American male, Stu. We get the power back on and you decide to have a barbecue
Stu: If they could bring back pork rinds and monday night football, I'd be in redneck heaven

And the earlier one..."Just don't call me Geraldo."

"Country don't mean dumb"

I also love angry Stu when he pushes the germ-suit guy(I can never keep Denniger, Dietz and the third guy straight) up against the wall. Grrrr!

I *would* say I'd have volunteered to take care of him during the pneumonia spat at the end but some things in the book make me not so envious of what Tom Cullen had to deal with lol.

You know, there was a scene in Stu and Fran's house in the book that didn't make it in that woudl've been great.

"He was wearing white jockey shorts and nothing else, their whiteness almost dazzling against his tanned skin..."

Now THERE'S a visual for you!!!!
CharmedHeiress said:
:( I must be the youngest here, I'm only 14, but I'm a 'responsible and mature' 14 yr old.

Actually, I'm younger.. you were born on the 15 of May, correct? 3 of June, 1991 here >__< ((Same as Anderson Cooper's birthday, hah!))

Yeah, what does the A stand for?
The A stands for Alan. At least that's what I read somewhere. Mel23 you got all my other favorite quotes from the movie except one. When Deitz starts to leave Stu's room after Stu's coughing fit he says "Don't forget your damned guinea pig." My kids and I used to say that all the time to each other. Drove my husband nuts.
Oh, and I feel like everyone's Mom here. My youngest daughter is almost 19. I think I'll go sit on my rocking chair and listen to a little AC/DC, KISS and Kid Rock and try to act my age!
:lol: All you really made my day sweeties, I`m lauthing alone and almost histerically in front of the pc :) I like AC/CD too, but my love (apart of Gary :devil:) belongs to Bruce Springsteen :cool:.

About "The Stand", well, I love every word on the book :) and I really liked the tv version :devil: but when I was reading the book I have never thought about Gary in the Stu rol, although I love him on that movie more than any other.
There are really a lot of diferences between the book and the movie, and a lot of things forgoten (like the scene on the Stu and Fran bedroom that you noticed before :devil:) but maybe because I`m truly obsessed with the book I love all the scenes between Stu and Fran :cool: (but I think that almost anyone could have done a better Fran Goldsmith :))

Now I`m going to make some captures more... just for prove cientifically what I`m saying of course :cool:.

Kisses honeys.
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