Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

Sara: So! Come up to the lab, (snaps glove) and see what’s on the slab. I see you shiver with antici...

Greg: SAY IT! CONSTI...!

Sara: ...pation. But maybe the rain, is really to blame, so I’ll remove the cause...


Sara: ...but not the symptom!
Nick: Well you and Warrick are always tasting evidence left on the ground. I smelled it first and it seemed harmless. :eek: Grissom: Yes Nick but we don't taste anything left on the lunchroom floor especially if Sarah cooked her own supper. :p
Nick: Sarah I keep trying but I just can't touch my nose with my tongue. Sarah[Out of view] Typical man what good are you to me if you can't do one little thing I ask you to do. :rolleyes:
Nick: I am sorry Grissom I promise I will never say that you don't have a heart ever again. :eek: Warrick: Catherine you better call an ambulance for Nick he just po'd Grissom again. :lol: