Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

Sara: Looks like our suspect is Cinderella.

=== or ===

Sara: What a waste of a good shoe. The owner should be arrested just for this.

=== or ===

Sara: Grag, make sure Hodges does not get to process this. He might want to try it on.
Sara: Hmmm, I wonder if this shoe will fit me. It looks like it's the perfect size.
Sara: Ecklie, you gotta stop leaving your heels at the crime scene!
Sara: Well, Greg, we can now conclusivly say that even acid will not get rid of your foot odour. Now please, never wear a pair of my shoes again!
Sara: What in the world is my shoe doing here? (thinks for a moment) Greg, have you been raiding my locker again?

(Grissom approaches then plucks the shoe out of Sara's hands.)

Grissom: That was me. Sorry. I couldn't find Catherine's pumps, so...

Heheh. It just popped in my head. :D
(they have been called to the scene of a possible kidnapping)
Sara: Wait, what's the name of the missing baby again?
Greg: Umm...Manolo...I think.
Sara: *sighs* the mother said "Please find my baby Manolo" right?
Greg: Yeah
Sara: Greg, I think she was talking about this shoe.
I have another one:

Greg: *thinking* 'Oh god, who put that hidden camera there!?, nobody was supposed to see that, I am so dead!'
Greg: Awesome, dude! Sodium and good ole H2O! Who'd a thunk it?

*beaker blows up violently*

(Yes, I know that Greg would not have time to say all that if sodium and water had combined in a beaker. I also know that unless he was suicidal, he would not but sodium and water together because he is a competent (albeit goofy) scientist. :D)
Grissom: Johnny was a chemist's son, but Johnny is no more. For what he thought was H20 was H2S04.
Greg: *gasps* NO!

(In the same vein of Dynamo1's post...)

Greg: How did you even get a photograph of Sara in a bikini?
Hodges: A long stakeout, some Michael Bolton and a high tolerance for mace. :D Don't tell her.
Greg: Get me a few copies and we'll talk. :devil:
(along the same line as some of the others...)

Greg: Woah. Hodges, you didn't really have to show me pictures of your vacation. I would have believed you. You really didn't have to show. Really. You didn't. At all. Now I need some soap to wash out my brain...