Former X-Philes, Unite!

pabzi - regarding colours they are similar, there are many colours to the beardies, mine change depending on how hot or cold they are, if they are hot they are like a tan/yellow colour and if they are cold they go a dull grey/green.normally they are just dull lol cant describe the colour. will post some pics
pabzi- I was cast because: a)When I was younger I looked like a young Gillian Anderson and b)As a favour to my aunt and uncle, both who worked on the show.

I was about 10, and my sister and I sat on the steps of the VAG (Vancouver Art Gallery), just playing and giggling while GA and DD walked down the steps. GA smiled at me as she walked by, and there was a quick cut of my smiling back. I think we were supposed to be having a "moment". Regardless, I was one happy kid that day :D
You looked like GA when you were younger ziggy?! With the red hair and all? Your aunt and uncle worked on the show too?! :eek: Wow... you've got a lot to share with your grandkids in the future. ;)

And manda, I'd love to get me some dragons.
Yeah, a little bit.. I don't look anything like her older pics, but when she was 10ish, as I was at the time, there's a resemblence. I think it was probably the hair that did it- Mine is naturally red, and at the time I was obsessed, so I always had it cut in a Scullybob :lol:

My aunt was a makeup artist, my uncle was a set constructor. Their big legendary story of pride was that when Piper, Gillian's daughter was born, my uncle Shane built a crib for her baby gift.
The ScullyBob! Ah those times, when you walk down a street and there'll be about 10 people in front of you with THE bob. And you're No. 11 :lol:

Imagine if Piper were to use that same crib your uncle has built when she grows up and have babies of her own. It'll be passed down like a family heirloom! Did your uncle carve his initials at the bottom corner? :D
I don't know if he carved his initials... my aunt's dead and he moved back to Australia, so we're not in touch anymore. Hmm. Let's hope so!

I actually got my hair cut today, and it's kinda sorta reminiscent of the Scully bob. One Halloween a friend and I went as Mulder and Scully together (she Mulder, I Scully) and we were SO GREAT. I wish we had pics.
[Sorry if this has been said before] I was wondering if anyone knew the ship names for X-Files. I can't seem to find that out. Thanks. :)
ziggystarduzt said:

One Halloween a friend and I went as Mulder and Scully together (she Mulder, I Scully) and we were SO GREAT. I wish we had pics.

I did that one year with a mate. She was Scully though. We dyed her hair (more pink then red though), dressed her up in suit, made her a FBI badge on the computer etc. i went as Mulder and I wasn't a very good one.
That is SO cool ziggy and nessy! If you had brought me along I would've gone as Sheriff Hartwell aka Buckteeth Dude. I'd even buy my own teeth! What a scene it'll be. :lol:

csi_fanatic87, for Mulder/Scully I call it MSR or Sculder and Mully. :) Come to think of it, I don't know what other ship names there are.
I've encountered "dippers" (Doggett-Scully) and "skippers" (Scully-Skinner).

I'm not sure what to call the Doggett-Reyes ship and the Mulder/Krycek one though.
I did that one year with a mate. She was Scully though. We dyed her hair (more pink then red though), dressed her up in suit, made her a FBI badge on the computer etc. i went as Mulder and I wasn't a very good one.
SO cool. I have naturally red hair and my friend had short brown hair, we wore business suits, fake guns and flashlights, and my mom made us FBI badges on the computer- complete with little ID wallets to hold them in. It was a blast!

^I forgot about skippers! I pretty much stopped watching after DD left, and don't know or care about Doggett and/or Reyes (although I did always refer to Reyes as Moronica...)
Rerun of SNL on E! Saturday at 3:00am eastern time is David Duchovny as host.

I liked X-Files very much but didn't watch it religiously. If anyone can tell me, I'd like to know more about the three electronics experts that Mulder and Scully called in from time to time.