Former X-Philes, Unite!

pabzi said:
mulder and scully were together only from that ep (i think it was the s7 finale) right? or am i missing something? ...oh, btw, my friend was watching a movie with DD today. i have no clue as to which- something about drag queens that were played by real women.
That is a very good question. :) I stopped watching the X-files religiously when it was known that DD was going to leave (Why must he leave??! :() so I'm not sure when the flirting stopped and the kissing starts. Since I don't know when they actually got together, I guess I'm not the biggest fan! Yikes! :eek:

I think things would be better off if they hadn't started a relationship. I love the flirting. :D Btw, the movie your friend was watching is Connie and Carla. :) And thanks, I like my banner too. My friend passed me the pics and pirate_jimbob made it for me. :)

csi_fanatic87, I love Arcadia! Don't they look cute! :D It's one of my many favorite episodes. :) That line is a killer! :lol: I just remembered a scene that I like with Mulder, Scully and Skinner in separate bathtubs talking on a three-way call. I think that was from Hollywood A.D. :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Arcadia..

Hollywood AD ruled as well, I forgot about that one.. and Je Souhaite.. and earlier ones!
What's really cool for me, living in Vancouver, is I know so many people that guested on XF.. my acting teacher was in Red Museum, and more importantly, she was Scully's friend Penny in Memento Mori and a couple others.. the other alien abductee, who died of cancer in MeMo? Very cool. Also cool? Her name was Gillian. *sigh* man I miss my X-Files days.
I loved X-Files. Still do. I have all the files they released on vhs/dvd, plus seasons 1-7. Have the ps2 game, a poster with the map of North America on and where the first 3 seasons eps were set and the Scully ID badge bought when i went to Florida.
Fave eps are Post Modern Promethus, Arcadia, Gesthamane, Redux & Redux 2, Closure, Requiem, Syzygy, Detour, X-Cops... i could go on
Fave quote:
from Detour... Mulder: I heard the best way to regenerate body heat is climb naked into a sleeping bag with someone else who's naked.
Scully: If it rains sleeping bags, maybe you'll get lucky Mulder.
my favorite quote (im not sure if its exact)
"lie? i would never lie! i willingly commited an act of missinformation"
That's a good one! "Files...lots of files..." "Lots and LOTS of files..."
I still make X-Files references.

And another one? THis is slightly weird, be warned.. sometimes, when I'm focused on something I'll just randomly mutter "Mulder and Scully" for no evident reason. It just slips out. I think I'll still be doing it when I'm elderly. :D
Wow, you sure know a lot of people who's appeared on X-Files ziggy! :) How come you never did? Or did you?! :eek: Hey, I mutter "Mulder and Scully" everytime everywhere too. :D I like the sound of it, ya know? Mol-DER and SkaLL-Lyyy. Sigh... they should be on the "world's most awesome name/couple/ship/sound" list.
omg i adore x-files.
mmmm DD fwooooooooooor
am a bit obsessive. called my dragons mulder and scully but just found out scully is now a mulder. cant change the name so we are going to have to get a dana. lol
i have even got my 11yr old hooked she loves the show. we are just going from the first ever episode on dvd and working our way through, gonna take a fair bit of time.
only got to the second series.
dont like the one with the bees scared the hell out of me cos i hate bees ( think it was the movie actually)
anyway im babbling a bit
great thread tho
SidLer, I know lots of people who've been on XF because I live in Vancouver. It was really the first big show to be filmed here, so everyone wigged out and went to try out for it. I was, in fact, on it :D I was in "Synchrony". I played a little girl who happened to look like Scully :D

manda... dragons? *confused* You have dragons? I want dragons!

I used to have an anti-bee website after the movie. For what it interrupted, of course ;)
hey ziggy
yes dragons. bearded dragons (has anyone seen the disney film HOLES you will se the dragons on there)
ugh bees hate them

thanks for the welcome csi_fan
great to be here, only another 10 postings and i can put a pic of mulder and scully on
yay :p
Your're very welcome. All right. Sounds like you already have what you want to put up there in mind. :)

I can't stand bees either.
ziggystarduzt said:
SidLer, I know lots of people who've been on XF because I live in Vancouver. It was really the first big show to be filmed here, so everyone wigged out and went to try out for it. I was, in fact, on it :D I was in "Synchrony". I played a little girl who happened to look like Scully :D
Ah yes. I think you've mentioned that before. :) I need to get the DVDs. My tapes can't be viewed anymore. :(

I think everyone who's seen Fight the Future now hates bees. :lol: (Esp if you're a shipper. ;)) I found this icon sometime back. Well said. :D
manda that is so cool! What an interesting pet! I've always wanted a reptile of some sort- I love snakes- put I couldn't bear feeding them bugs or mice.

SidLer Yeah I mention it constantly, because I'm ridiculously proud. It was 11 years ago, too. 80 years from now I'll probably still be babbling about it ;)

That's a very cute icon! damn bees indeed.
ziggy- that is soooooo cool that you were on xf :) i havent seen synchrony, dont think so anyway. what did you do for the part?

manda- I LOVE HOLES!!! i hate movies, but i was forced to watch holes half a year ago and fell in love with it. your dragons are the yellow spotted lizzards?