
Every week. Every damn week. How do they do it? Yet another amazing, emotional episode. This show never ceases to amaze me.
I know what you mean, I know there are good actors out there, but if anyone didn't like someone it would show at some point in an ep, but this show you can tell (and not just from the actors saying it) that they work well together. This was a totally awesome episode.

for anyone wanting to watch all the season three eps no downloads required, it's totally safe and I am in the US and I have seen them all, and if you missed any eps of season two you can see them as well. Just click "Tv shows" and then down the list for Flashpoint and then the season, then the ep.

New eps that air on friday will be shown on there on saturday, just so you know. ;)
While I wasn't as choked up at the end of this episode as I have been with the others so far this season, it was still a good story. They really do a good job of keeping the storyline from getting too predictable on this show, and for that I really applaud them.

It was cool to see Kathleen Robertson on there, and I enjoyed the little one-to-one between the boss and Ed about their kids. They're good with the personal lives stuff- just enough to keep the characters interesting, but not enough to bog down the show and take away from the case storylines.

Overall, another A effort. :)
Still love the show ;)

Knew somehow it was the mom, but still interesting with both of them screwing up (poor kids) and her getting help from the lawyer's asistant.

I really like the personal touches (Ed,Greg this time) between all the job drama.

And got a huge grin at Sammy not being the "probie" anymore and knowing how to not get on Ed's bad side :lol:
The spoiler for the upcoming episode It contains info from two different sites.

Tv.com: A talk show host is sure a politician committed murder years ago that killing him on live tv will get him the revenge he wants. The SRU team must try and stop the killing.

CTV: On his last day on the job, on air radio talk show host Pat Cosgrove (guest star Michael Riley, BEING ERICA) promises to go out with a bang when he takes prominent politician Ryan Malone (guest star Paul Christie, WILD ROSES) hostage. Team One races to the station to find Cosgrove has kidnapped Malone and is now broadcasting from a remote, secret studio. Things take a volatile turn when Cosgrove puts Malone “on trial” for a homicide he believes the man committed years ago.

Since some in the US have not seen this (though you could use the links provided if they work for you). I am going to put some lines from the show in but in doing so it will be in a tag so as not to spoil it for everyone.

3x1 One Wrong Move

Spike: I ain't seen her since high school.
Lewis: And then I don't see this guy for three days!
Jules: Really? You think it's the real deal?
Spike: When destiny speaks, I don't ask questions!

Ed: You guys shake down the tree-huggers.
Greg: Environmental activists.
Ed: Whatever.

Spike: Rule number one of defusion.
Lewis: Don't blow stuff up?

Spike: Lou, you take your weight off that trigger, it's gonna blow.
Lewis: Isn't the job about risk, huh? It's why we're here, right?
Spike: Lou....
Lewis: Isn't it about saving lives, Spike?

Jules: Land mines, man, you don't mess with land mines. It'll take two men down instead of one.
Wordy: If anybody can do it, it's Spike.
Jules: If I was Sarge, I'd give him a direct order.
Wordy: If I was Spike, I'd pretend I didn't hear that order.

Lewis: Bridget and her friend, rum and ginger beer by the beach.
Spike: Lou, you mind? I'm thinking.
Lewis: Always feels good in the ocean, man. You're rocked by the waves, like you're going full circle, you know? Back to being a baby again. Water just rocking you.

3x4 Custody
Leah: (about her scar) It's a good reminder not to be an idiot.
Jules: Yeah, got four brothers for that!

Greg: Priority's on who and where.
Jules: Bonus points for why?

Spike: Donald Mitchell, cross-ref with Adam Westfall and oh, I get to say bingo?
Greg: Please don't say bingo.

Ed: Oh boss, come on. You're not gonna take him?
Greg: Stressful situation for the kids, it might be good to have the other parent there. Come on, if it was your boy, what would you want?
Ed: Are you talking about my boy or your boy?

Just an added note.. season 3 episode 3. The song at the end of the episode is Don't Be Fooled by Hugh Dillon. (Which is off his new Album)
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Okay I just watched the episode 3x5 "Coming to You Live" online and I have the same question asked before how the heck do they do it. This episode was great another A+ ep. It had the twists and turns that I did not see coming. Man these writers are very good at their jobs, and these actors really make them shine.
Actually, you know what? I didn't love this one; it was just OK. I mean, no fault of the acting or anything like that, I just found the story a little ho-hum.

Oh well, you can't hit it out of the park every time. ;) And it was still enjoyable, so no big deal.
I think what I loved about it was Greg and the mother, and then Jules and the assistant and Jules' don't mess with me attitude. Plus the different senerio's to how it happened. The talk show host doing all that, that way was okay but it was for me the graphics if you will that let them tell the story. Not to mention the geek joke. and the joking about politics. :lol:

Hey heads up..

'Flashpoint' among Gemini winners heading into TV bash
CTV's slick cop series "Flashpoint" is heading into next month's televised Gemini Awards gala with three trophies.

Two of Canada's biggest co-productions took the most hardware Tuesday at an industry awards ceremony honouring the best in Canadian youth, comedy, drama and variety television.

"Flashpoint," a CTV/CBS co-production that led the race overall with 19 nominations, nabbed drama awards for best guest performance by an actress, Tatiana Maslany; best guest performance by an actor, Henry Czerny; and best title design.

The industry's biggest awards will be handed out Nov. 14 in Calgary and will be broadcast on Global and Showcase.

"Flashpoint" initially led the nominees overall with a record 19 nods. After garnering three in the early ceremonies, it will compete for five more in next month's bash.

On a side note from the Above story...

Tatiana Maslany Played "Penny in Planets Aligned (2008)" While trying to rescue an abducted girl, SRU finds another kidnappee and Jules must connect with her in order to save everyone.

Henry Czerny Played "Jack Swanson in First In Line (2008)" A desperate father turns a policeman's gun on a surgical team, demanding a heart transplant for his dying daughter.
I love Henry Czerny. He's one of those best kept Canadian secrets, sort of like Molly Parker. We have some great talent up here that the rest of the world has yet to notice... :lol: I was so excited back in the day when he cropped up on CSI (Jackpot) and was psyched to see him on Flashpoint.
Actually, you know what? I didn't love this one; it was just OK. I mean, no fault of the acting or anything like that, I just found the story a little ho-hum.

Oh well, you can't hit it out of the park every time. ;) And it was still enjoyable, so no big deal.

I agree, actually. It was good, but not up to par with the rest of the season, IMO. I found it pretty predictable. But, as you said, still good, and not everyone is going to love every episode, so it's not a big deal.

On another note, I discovered last night that one of my university friends likes this show. The first RL person I know that watches it :lol: We spend quite a while discussing it last night, especially the season premier.
True it was predictable, but for me it was more around the host, and more everything else, not to mention starting the ep with the guys in the gym. :D Anyway they kept if not added more movement and action. I don't want to ruin it for others (so it sounds like were talking in code lmao) so I am going to put a couple a lines in the spoiler tag.

Spike: CJV Electronics. CJV was busted a couple of years ago. They were selling pirated operating systems.
Sam: How do you know that?
Spike: I know because I'm a highly-trained officer on the cutting edge of twenty-first century investigation.
Sam: I thought it was because you're a geek.
Ed: He's not a geek, okay? He's a geek with combat skills, that's why the ladies love him.

And Jules was grinning.

Parker: Maybe you should go into politics
Lane: What? and give up all this?

* that last one is from memory

Thats why I found it cool, the rush, the keep it cool, don't mess with me, different senerio's add in the humor, and yet manage to talk politics without setting off people with OMG. A+ just for the gym scene. :lol:

Okay just got the descript for the next episode and OMFG!!!!!
Airing October 30th.
A desperate woman, Rachel (Gina Holden, HARPER’S ISLAND) attempts to hold up a gas station. But the robbery goes wrong and hostages are taken. The SRU is called in and discovers that Rachel is on the run from a cult compound called "The Farm". Rachel believes that her husband, the cult’s leader Charles (John Pyper-Ferfuson, BROTHERS & SISTERS), has lost his grip on reality and has become dangerous. Ed (Hugh Dillon) and Jules (Amy Jo Johnson) are sent to investigate. When Ed discovers signs of an imminent mass homicide, he is taken hostage. The SRU surrounds the cult compound, racing against time to free Ed and rescue all the cult members from a fiery end.
Okay I am going to give this ep "The Farm" an A-, only cause again the action, the acting and making the most of the situations, that and seeing one guy get out of the truck and into the field lmao.

I mean this was a pretty good episode though it seemed a bit rushed to me but then good eps seem to fly by and I was watching it where there was no commericals lol. Thing is that while the "cult" thing has been done to death by tv, and some might say it had a subtle undertone (without being a copy) of criminal minds plot with a cult, they are still out there, so while some might say been there, watched that, they did it differently. But kept it to the this is reality but what your going to see is fiction to a point. Heck I know what I am trying to say but you get my point I think.

Okay since not everyone can see this yet I am putting my fav lines in the spoiler tag..
The Farm:
Ed: He wants to go to a party, I won't let him go. It's just a hassle.
Wordy: What's the big deal?
Ed: I'll tell you what the big deal is, there's no parental supervision.
Wordy: Oh, parents away, kid takes advantage? You telling me you never went to a party like that when you were Clark's age?
Ed: Why do you think I don't want him to go?
Wordy: No offence, Ed, but your kid plays the cello. I don't know how much trouble he's really going to get into!

Sam: Coming with us, boss?
Greg: Well, I figured you need at least one bald guy in the field.

(Greg finds Ed tied to a chair)
Ed: This is what it takes to get you out of the truck?
Greg: He didn't gag you?

Okay thats all for now I will have to rewatch it again.. It is hard I have the old type monitor the 600/800 resolution so thank you for the online eps.

Also just adding I put the link into where I watch it on page one, post one just go there look at the bottom of the post for the "ETA 10/31/09".
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Totally missed this one- that's a first for me. :lol:

I will watch it online and then give my report. I'm going to guess that even if it's not excellent, I'll still like it. :lol: Some shows are just so good that even when it's not one of the best episodes, it's still better than most other stuff on TV. I'd say Flashpoint qualifies under this category.
So did you get the chance to watch it [3x6 "The Farm"] Baba?

Friday, Nov. 6 at 10/9C - You Think You Know Someone
Parker is lured into a trap and confronted with a deadly choice: reveal a dark secret from his past or lose his life.

OMG OMG OMG ^^^ OY they are teasing me to death with this stuff. :eek:
No, I haven't had a chance yet! I'm hoping to get a moment on Wednesday night to check it out- I really would prefer to watch it before the next new one. And man, that spoiler does sound intriguing!

Calm down, calm down... don't hurt yourself, D. :lol: