Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

SeeingStars! :D

Great job with the art, Nutty - They all look amazing. Kickass Manip! :p

*hugs CSI_Watcher_8* -- I will miss you! :(
hey, guys?

i know the suggested pairings isn't necessarily your ship, but some of you may ship one of these too, but i posted a NY fanfic challenge on the fanfic board, and it's getting no love. so i'm advertising it to all the other ships seeing if maybe i'll get some writers to go and give it a shot.

and it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic either, could be just a funny situation.

please go try it? *begs*

when i hear flower garden i think les mis. and now i'm thinking flack as marius and lindsay as cosette...and...omg i'm drawing parrellels again.

ok, for those of you who know nothing about les mis, this is how it works. marius(flack) sees cosette(lindsay) in a crowd and she sees him and they fall instantly in love with each other because not only is this story a musical, it's an opera and a really old french novel and that's the way they work. then marius finds a way to see cosette, and they finally meet, but they are viciously pulled apart by the almost-french revolution(TPTB) and cosette's father(mac) who says he's taking her off to america(leaves her behind to collect evidence during COTP). then cosette's father leaves her at the house to fight during the almost-revolution, to make sure marius makes it back to his daughter. then marius almost dies(bombing during COTP) but cosette's father saves him, and cosette nurses him back to health and they get married and live happily ever after the end.


that's so cool. i have to go write a fic now.
Yeah, it sounds well cute! Go for it!

Checked out your challenge iloveroadrunner might have a go, 'cept not really sure if my fic writing skills are up to it! Plus the fact that I'm attempting to write a Flack/Lindsey fic at the mo :rolleyes:
still, give it a shot. and the pairing doesn't have to be an actual relationship, it can be just friendship, so if it's a stupid story about food, it works. ya know?

and i just have to figure out how to get that whole big schpeel i just did up there to work. gonna take me a while to get everything to settle in.