Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

Lindsay: You see that there?
Flack: Yes
Lindsay *whispers*: Their watching us, act casual!
Flack holds her hand.
Lindsay: Thats not casual!
Rad! *tear* i'll miss you.

and that pic is so cute. they're stepping on the same foot. *giggles* and only i would notice something like that.

i love how they worked the same case tonight, but did not have a single scene together. so ridiculous.
You should correct that thought. They didn't have a any scene that we could see on screen but behind the scenes is where it counts. ;) Right
that's very true. i forgot about that stuff.

but it would have been great if he was there during the dumpster diving scene...given us some nice moments. that would have been nice.
See this is what makes me mad. They're working the same case and no interaction at all...a fic would be good.

What's so funny---while Lindsay was digging in the dumpster, Flack was interviewing a bunch of idiots...including ugly underwear man. Poor Flack. But they were both funny during those sequences. This is why they need to work together more. I think they would work quite well together...hilarious!
i loved the ugly underwear man. omg i died laughing. poor flack.

and the woman who went off on him about it being three am. :lol::lol::lol:
*Prodes Lynn* You have to rewrite that one too now.

Linds would defend Flack against that women, telling her not to go off on her man.
Yeah I thought those two were funny. Because I would have been the same way. And Lindsay finding the gun was cute. It's funny they both say what's on their minds when they kind of think no one is really listening to what they are saying.
Thanks for the info, guys. And the pics. :drool: Yummy. And the lack of scenes in the ep annoyed me, too. But I like the idea of behind the scenes. :D Someone definitely needs to write a fic. And good catch for whoever said they both ended up with the icky jobs. See? It must be fate! ;)
Told you I'd be back with icons and wallpapers. But just one of each this time, sorry. :)

wallpaper (Lyrics are to "I Am" by Bon Jovi)

And here's a manip I made. It's kind of pointless, but if you look at the difference between it and the pic above, you can kind of imagine that he's pulling her along by her hand and they're both checking to make sure that no one's watching. Or something. :)