Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

So I missed the new thread. On to page two already? You guys are fast. And now it's Flack/Monroe instead of Flack/Lindsay. *shrugs* I need to write fic for this pairing -- I've been all Jack/Elizabeth lately.

My birthday is in two weeks and I have a papercut.
Hi! I've only just started shipping these two, but I read a couple of fanfics and am now becoming slightly obsessed :lol:
Oh, and I got the FM reference straight away :D :lol:
Welcome to the thread, SeeingStars! :) Obsession is a good thing, really. ;)

Great job on the art, Nutty! Loved it. And the manip is so cute. :D
Hey! I've been checking out this thread for a while, and contemplating whether I should post or not. After watching a few episodes and looking at pictures, I decided that I didn't have anything to lose. So here I am! Yay FM!
*giggles*...after going all evil dictator in the D/L thread, i'm not going to do it here too. but this would have probably been the better place to do it. :lol:

and paper cuts suck.

and...i'm working on a massive fic for this pairing. it's a crossover, and all this other fun stuff. and i think it's really starting to get off the ground, which makes me happy. :D

and i'm really just filling space here, so i'm gonna go.
Hello Seeing Stars! Welcome! I have to go away for a few days so I hope you guys can keep up the thread while I'm gone. Should be back on Monday. So far you guys are doing good. Good job everyone! ;)