Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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Top41 said:
Maybe it's supposed to symbolize that Flack is a clean cop--that he's dilligent and fair and keeps his gun (and his nose ;) ) clean. And if he doesn't, Hawkes will get him! :lol:

Now that you've mentioned it, I completely agree with your insight that perhaps Flack cleaning his gun represents that he himself is clean ...It's so hard to remain steadfast in a profession where there are a lot of gray areas. Some people succumb to the temptations that power brings. As they say, power corrupts. I just hope Flack stays clean, ultimately.
Never underestimate the importance of maintaining your weapon. Our Flack is a smart, conscientious boy, who doesn't want his gun jamming at an inopportune moment. :)

I always read it as symbolic: Flack is the straightforward, tough, (yes, AZ, 'streetwise' :rolleyes:) cop, who asks questions and takes no bullshit, while Hawkes is the scientist, who is more concerned with evidence than motive. The fact that they are looking in the same direction suggests that they are working toward the same goal, even if it is from different angles. :shrugs:

I guess whoever stage managed the photoshoot ran out of inspiration when it came to representing Flack's "copness". Teeny-weeny bit lame, methinks.

I'd hate to see Flack involved in any sort of cover up, for whatever reason. His integrity is one of his most appealing characteristics (aside from the obvious :devil:).

In any case, it might be a bit repetitive. For all that the Truby/Dobson storyline was more about Mac, it still touched heavily on loyalty to the badge versus doing what's right.
There is a very important line here, the fact that he's cleaning his weapon instead eating -> we all shall remember it's Don Flack, Master of eating while on shift, the man we're taliking about. It's his lunch time, so he should be having a hot dog or something, but no, he has in his hands a gun, his gun, while he cleans it, and don't have food. Maybe that's why Hawkes is giving him some light, to make sure he's not eating his own gun or to believe himself he's not eating. :lol: :lol:

Now being a bit more serious, if AZ says it doesn't mean anything, just the couples there, it could be that Sheldon is going to be a very important part in Flack investigations, giving him some lights when the leads were ending.
poison girl, I think you have a great point there, about Hawkes giving Flack some light when a case hits a dead end. I'd love for the both of them to work together more often. ;)

penguinpie's suggestion is also pretty solid, IMO. It makes a lot of sense, since Hawkes is all about the science, and Flack is a "Let's lock 'em up first, we'll talk evidence later" kind of guy.

He's even threatened to lock a guy up because he swore on his grandmother, and even copped to locking a bunch of kids up just for fun. :lol:
There is a very important line here, the fact that he's cleaning his weapon instead eating -> we all shall remember it's Don Flack, Master of eating while on shift, the man we're taliking about.

:lol: :lol: Very true. He doesn't look very happy, does he? Probably because Danny is bogarting the sandwiches at the other end of the girder. AND sharing them with that hussy. Poor, hungry, neglected Flack :(

Then again, maybe he's planning to put that gun to good use ...
what's all your favorite flack episodes:

4x03- Flack never looked any hotter
3x08- eddie at his finest
3x20- Love the scene when he was talking to the guy who ran the carriage rides.
My favorite Flack episodes? Hmm.

The Fall (1.17)
Ah, the first episode with Flack backstory. Love it!

Charge of this Post (2.24)
Flack in peril! I was practically eating my hand throughout the episode because I was so worried about him. Obviously he wasn't going to die, but still. :lol:

You Only Die Once (4.03)
I agree. Flack was smoking hot. But, I am still trying to mentally block out the image of the vapid girlfriend whenever she appears on screen, which thankfully wasn't very often. :D

Consequences (3.08)
'Nuff said. Eddie blew me away with his acting in this one, and he more than holds his own against Gary Sinise. And his hair looked very good in the eppy too, hehe.

...Comes Around (3.23)
The scenes of Flack with Mac, in the courtroom, and then in the bar with Danny. Chock-full of awesome-ness.

Flack is totally my hero. Hehe. ;)
There are so many to choose from. He has an amazing presence, but I think (brain fart and can't remember the episode name) the one with the kid dressed up as an angel. The fact that everythng Flack said prior to the opening credits was completely sarcastic was amazing.
I also really liked last night's episode because of the scene with him and Mac. It showed that he's not just the tough 'street wise' cop, but also a really cool, compassionate, down to earth kind of guy. Which is awesome. I liked that he was willing to just talk to Mac, listen to what was going on, and not take it upon himself to give advice. It's just another one of the great things about his character.
I'm also curious about what happened to his girlfriend as I haven't seen her since Manhattan Manhunt. Is she a one episode, relationship's over thing? or do they just not care enough to show us what's going on with that? The demanding Flack fangirls want to know! Or at least I do.
My favorite Flack episodes? More than episodes ( they didn't gave him many) I remember moments.

The Fall

Got some insides on who he is. He got hurt, had to make a choice, they made him 3D.

On The Job

Yes, it's a Danny centric episode, but I love the interaction. Again, we got to see what is he like with his friends.


He was so touched by that young dying man, that he didn't make not even one joke the whole episode.

Necrophilia Americana, Run Silent, Run Deep, All Access, & Heroes

Same as On the job. It's the little things.. ;)

Consequences, ...Comes Around & Snow Day

Finally they let Flack / Eddie shine. Same as in The Fall, they did a Mac - Flack story line, and it worked perfectly. Pure art! And some little insides, character interactions.

S4 - I'll get back in May. :lol:
I think I love too many, but here are a few:
Blink: Because it all started there, and hoops means you're human after you take off that suit.

The Fall: Hints of a bad relationship with his father and the dilemma of chosing between a friend and the law. Also Mac showed a lot of respect for him letting Flack be the one to do the arrest.

What you see is what you see: That bikes really suited him, and the commentary of taking them too.

Grand murder at Central Station: Ca-cat :lol:

All Access: He's a friend when you need one. Stella needed to have his friends close, and there was Flack.

Murder sing the blues: First eat the cakes, then tell Stella you have evidence.

Consecuences: Great development for Flack, to became the one responsable of a partner arrested.

Comes around: From the begguining, being the voice of reason for Mac, till the end, Danny and him talking eased in a bar while playing pool, is full of Flack moments.

I know I've left a lot of important ones left, those are just a few details that made me smile and the first ones that came to my mind.
I don't know what my favorite Flack episode is... I guess I like the ones everyone else has said. I can think of a lot of great Flack moments on for example ... Flack and Hawkes discussion about Houdini... I thought that was funny.

One question I've always had on mind, is. who's older.. Danny or Flack?
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