penguinpie said:
Hmmm, I don't think he's all that intimidated or insecure about any knowledge gap between himself and the CSIs. On the whole, he probably feels that they do their thing, he does his, and its all good. I think he understands a lot of what they go on about, in general terms anyway. People rattling off chemical compounds, like that's supposed to mean something, would make anyone roll their eyes a bit.
Yeah, I love his reactions when the CSIs get super-nerdy. Flack does always come across as very confident, something I really like about his character. He seems sure of himself and who he is.
In neither Trapped nor the ep with Aiden, did it really appear to bother him. If anything, I think he'd rather they just got to the point. He can put up with technobabble because it kind of amuses him, I think.
Yeah, sometimes he gets this great smirk on his face and you know he's thinking "you guys are such nerds." I love that. It's fun to see him react to the long words and technical terms.
As to 'Sleight of Hand', I think he was more bothered by being essentially brushed off by Hawkes. And reacted to the first thing that came to mind. I have to say, Hawkes seems to have been surprisingly mean about it. Still, Flack knew that RNA and DNA were related but not the same, so I don't think he's totally clueless.![]()
Good point! And Hawkes was kind of condescending. I'd love to see that explored. Flack and Hawkes really are at opposite ends of the spectrum and it would be great to see if there is friction between them.
Other posters have said that Flack is touchier this year and more volatile. Maybe it's all one and the same; a bit of lingering PTSD making him feel less confident in himself generally.God forbid, that the writers should ever reference such a traumatic event in anyway. [end sarcasm]
Is he snarkier than in previous years? I think the only thing that's stood out for me is the clashing with Mac, and that was because of a specific incident. As for PTSD, I don't know. Flack's a pretty tough guy--not to say at all that PTSD doesn't affect tough people, because it does--but Flack seems to have recovered well. Still, it would have been nice if we'd seen some references to the bombing, even in Mac and Flack's interactions together.