Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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Thanks for the great caps! I knew I've seen that tie before in a past episode. I had this sense of déjà vu when I saw that tie. I thought I was just seeing things by watching too much Flack. Obsessive much, am I? I thought I was just having an overdose of our pretty boy Detective! :lol: I agree that it is more realistic as opposed to Flack just being a fashion plate! :lol:
A little pissed, very sarcastic and with the cutest smile ever :




Zip over here
Yes, I think it does, Top! :lol:

No wonder the tie looked so familiar, it's been recycled from last season! Hehehe.

Flack seemed a little more pissed than usual in Buzzkill, but I'm not complaining, I love it when he's pissed. :D

ZhuShuaijie The my hero image is amazingly pretty! I love it.

Very happy you can like CSI_in_training. white soul(My hero)is one catena.Still have two piece; Danny ; Danny and Flack
Other more serieses ( season2- season4 ;Danny-Carmine Flack-Eddie)
Formpoison girl

That's a close up! You can even see Eddie's earing holes.
earing holes? real? :confused: No.................! :mad:
I before also discovered this dot.Just didn't courage believe the Eddie has the ear hole actually! moreover have three!!!
Killed me!
I know that the Eddie is a sonsy person.But also should be Pay attention visualize of person.
very affect me to his favor!!!!
in my heart the Flack like an artwork.Have anima; Beautiful; priceless; Featurely artwork.But the Eddie is the soul of this artwork.
So I love the Flack(Eddie).Love this piece Have vital artwork! :p
ZhuShuaijie, I love the artwork, especially the one with Danny and Flack in their white shirts! :D Damn, these men look fine in white. :devil:
Very happy you can like CSI_in_training. white soul(My hero)is one catena.Still have two piece; Danny ; Danny and Flack
Other more serieses ( season2- season4 ;Danny-Carmine Flack-Eddie)
I think you just provided me with the picture I need to write the essay that Elsie wanted. Two very very beautiful men in white shirts...now to start the writing...it was 500 words right, Elsie?
And Flack's tie and shirt do match! and there is realism in him wearing the same tie or shirt more than once. after all, how many suits can one man own?
Oooh yes, white looks good on Flack, that's a great picture. Well anything (as long as it matches) looks good on him. And as for the things that don't match? I'm willing to accept his poor judgement in clothing in exchange for a shower scene. :D :devil: Seriously, TPTB should think about showing Flack skin more often, especially after You Only Die Once, his arms and the white vest...It's a crowd pleaser.

CSI_in_training said:
I think you just provided me with the picture I need to write the essay that Elsie wanted. Two very very beautiful men in white shirts...now to start the writing...it was 500 words right, Elsie?

Yes, sounds very good to me. Top marks for you! :D :lol:
If I recall correctly, first I have to decide who looks better in white. ^_^ Essay's for Elsie! Maybe I'll hand it in for bonus marks in English.
Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! :D Anyway, here are some screen caps of Flack from One Wedding And A Funeral. His first dress shirt and paisley tie combo was actually passable but his second combo hurt my eyes. Bleh. :p :lol:

Oh Flack, you were doing so fine with this combo...

And then you had to go on and wear this! :lol:

Oh well, never mind...You still look sooo pretty to me! :lol:
:lol: I agree mandy, he's still pretty regardless of his fashion errors. But that last shirt and tie combo was a complete disaster. :eek:

Flack was great as usual, I love snarky Flack, and I think he was on fine form in that department. :D

Some more of the pretty from last night's episode:



It wouldn't be Flack without one fugly tie entry. :lol: Oh, Flack, how we love your fugly shirt/tie combinations. :lol:
Didn't liked the first tie, but the second combo was really painful to see :lol:

Really loved his snarky comments in this episode.
Thanks Elsie for more pictures of Pretty. Only a man as beautiful as Flack can get away with such a fashion faux pas! :lol: Anyway, Flack wouldn't be Flack without the fugly tie and dress shirt combo! A CSI:NY episode wouldn't be complete without a sighting of said fugly tie-shirt combo. :lol:

Definitely, loved snarky Flack. Anyway, who doesn't? :lol:
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