Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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Lorelai said:
Well, we assume Flack is Irish. If Stella is Greek, Mac is from Chicago, Danny is Italian, Aiden from Brooklyn.. it seems that the character is from wherever the actor is. Eddie is Irish / Italian, so Flack must be too. :lol:
Well, that way is easy for the scipter, who seem to lost the character lines everytime, to know exacly who was from where. :lol:

I really want to listen those cometaries, but given tha fact the third season was realeased just two months ago, I assume I'll have to wait a lot to hear it. :( Anyway, at least I can expect I'll love the comentaries, that's if they don't delete them from our edition, because the first half from the second season didn't had any kind of extra.

Thanks a lot for the caps, I'll add them to my collection.
I'd love to see Flack's brother, but I really hope they don't mirror Danny's relationship with Louie. If Flack and his brother don't get along, I'd like to see something really different for them.
With so many differnt types of sibling dynamics one would certianly hope that they don't go back to the same thing over and over again. I know that my brother and I can scrap (physically and verbally) but we still love each other to pieces. We can seriously hope that they give the Flack brothers a different sort of deapth than the Messer brothers.
We must all send out a giant PLEASE to our favourite writer (Peter Lenkov who gives us wonderful scenes) that there is definite character development in this family. Write us a good script please!
I'm hopeful that the mention of Flack's family is an indication that we're going to find out more about his background.
I mean, there's any number of things they could have used as an example of what Flack would do with a time machine. I would have figured that he'd like to go back to some major sporting occasion that he hadn't seen or had only seen on TV (and wouldn't it have been a major shout out if he'd said he'd wanted to go to the 1980 Winter Olympics to watch the USA ice hockey team beat the Soviet Union <vbeg>)

There's plenty of things the writers could have used, but they used something from Flack's family. To me that's a good sign that we'll find out more about him.
(and feel free to quote this post and laugh after we finish season 4 without even a bit of a mention <g>)
There's plenty of things the writers could have used, but they used something from Flack's family. To me that's a good sign that we'll find out more about him.

Family, family-like relationships, and the "brotherhood" of the team's relationships have been mentioned several times throughout this season. Most notably, last week it was Danny's reminiscing about diving with Louie.

While I'm really hoping this means we will learn more about the team members 'real' families, I also think that it's an overall theme that the show is touching on. The good news is, dealing with the theme of family makes it more likely that we will get the background we really want. The bad news is they may not tell us much if they can't work it into the theme.
In Flack family there are a lot of interest factors that could be included in some plots. Obviously his relation with his father is not good, as he left it hanging in the air when his instructor asked about him (The Fall). Now, we also have a possible dead mother (even if I believe she's not, maybe just in his father side in the problem), and an abusive brother.

Maybe TPTB have ready an episode where the brother is the perp , or maybe some cases his father investigated are in the spot because of new leads that make believe his father new something more.

Hi everyone, I am new to the board!

But, looking at my sig, I guess you can all see that Flack is THE one for me... Hot, hot, hot... :devil:

And I agree that TPTB should really include Flack's family more... I mean we heard a lot about his uber-prominent father, but we never saw him... :rolleyes: About time, I think... ;)
CSI_NY_Addict said:
But, looking at my sig, I guess you can all see that Flack is THE one for me... Hot, hot, hot...
Oh dear, might I suggest oven mitts? :eek:

Welcome to the thread, love. ;) *starts baking cookies*
poison girl said:

Maybe TPTB have ready an episode where the brother is the perp , or maybe some cases his father investigated are in the spot because of new leads that make believe his father new something more.

That would give him a lot of guns to wipe clean. :( Not sure I'm ready to see him in so much struggle. :(

Welcome CSI_NY_Addict .
Lorelai said:
That would give him a lot of guns to wipe clean. :( Not sure I'm ready to see him in so much struggle. :(
I really hadn't thought about the possibility that the brother may be the ones he wipes his gun for... It is a possibility, that he has to choose between his loyality to the force and the ties to his brother or father. Interesting point.

I'm not sure I'd like to see him go throuth it all, but he's a good character and that may be very interesting if mac is in the middle of the investigation, more so after the incidents in Consecuences and Past imperfect. :eek:
poison girl said:
Lorelai said:
That would give him a lot of guns to wipe clean. :( Not sure I'm ready to see him in so much struggle. :(
I really hadn't thought about the possibility that the brother may be the ones he wipes his gun for... It is a possibility, that he has to choose between his loyality to the force and the ties to his brother or father. Interesting point.

I'm not sure I'd like to see him go throuth it all, but he's a good character and that may be very interesting if mac is in the middle of the investigation, more so after the incidents in Consecuences and Past imperfect. :eek:

Again? God, poor baby! Does he always have to get caught in the middle between the right thing to do and his feelings? :( The Fall, On The Job ( I doubt that he was aloud to talk to Danny), Consequences, Raising Shane, Past Imperfect, ...Comes Around ... It seems that being caught in the middle is the story of his life. :(

ETA : Some 404 caps

Lorelai, good point about him often getting caught between his feelings and his duty! It's interesting to see that he doesn't always go with the same thing. In "On the Job" he chose to be there for Danny and in "...Comes Around" he refused to play politics, but in "Consequences" he turned over his log book because he knew it was the right thing to do.

Faylinn said:
I'd love to see Flack's brother, but I really hope they don't mirror Danny's relationship with Louie. If Flack and his brother don't get along, I'd like to see something really different for them. Disagreeing over choice of career sounds like it could be really interesting--especially if they both (or only one of them?) has an estranged relationship with their father...

I agree--I'd love to see Flack clashing with a brother who is perhaps monetarily more successful than he is. I doubt his brother is anything like Louie.

He might have been joking, but I could see him wishing that she'd come to him with the evidence first--the way she did bringing Danny the DNA results in "RSRD". He's not a CSI, but I think he still feels like he's a part of the team...

Exactly. And I kind of see Flack as one to hold a grudge, which could explain some of his chilly behavior towards her.

Very interesting--I definitely see Mac's relationship with Danny as the father/son sort of thing, rather than with Flack. Despite the age difference, you can tell that there's mutual respect there (although Mac does come across as a bit...preachy, maybe, when it comes to Flack during that storyline).

Agreed. Danny often times comes across as childish, whereas Flack never does. For Mac to have tried to turn the conflict into a father/son thing would have been condescending. I love that the writers didn't go that route. It makes sense with Danny, but not with Flack.

:lol: Look at Danny, trying to act like he's a cop. :p It doesn't have as much impact to interview someone in the lab, I guess. :lol: "Oh, I'll just use Flack's desk, he won't mind. *pilfers through the drawers*" :p

Pam V. actually specifically mentioned they don't use the lab for questioning ever. It was cute when Eddie was like, "He's at my desk!" :lol: I could so see nosy Danny going through Flack's drawers. :lol:
Top41 said:
Lorelai, good point about him often getting caught between his feelings and his duty! It's interesting to see that he doesn't always go with the same thing. In "On the Job" he chose to be there for Danny and in "...Comes Around" he refused to play politics, but in "Consequences" he turned over his log book because he knew it was the right thing to do.

And that's what makes him beautiful. He's not a narrow minded cop or a get the baddie machine. Flack is not a predictable man. Do you think he would risk he's badge to cover for his brother?

Top41 said:

He might have been joking, but I could see him wishing that she'd come to him with the evidence first--the way she did bringing Danny the DNA results in "RSRD". He's not a CSI, but I think he still feels like he's a part of the team...

Exactly. And I kind of see Flack as one to hold a grudge, which could explain some of his chilly behavior towards her.

The man is all about devotion & loyalty, which BTW is the main reason he always gets caught in the middle. :lol: So, I don't think he'll forget & forgive her easily for not having he's back. Thank God he didn't see her smiling in CoTP. :rolleyes: :lol: I have smtg else to say about what she did in RSRD but, not here ;)

Pam V. actually specifically mentioned they don't use the lab for questioning ever. It was cute when Eddie was like, "He's at my desk!" I could so see nosy Danny going through Flack's drawers.

:lol: :lol: Maybe using Flack's desk makes him more confident. ;)

Do you think he would risk he's badge to cover for his brother?
Not if he'd done something bad, no, I don't think he would.

It would be interesting if he put himself on the line to prove that his brother wasn't involved in something--it would look like he was being reckless and risking his badge, but in reality he would be going the extra mile to prove that he's not doing that.

Not sure what the storyline could be without it being too close to Danny's situation with Louie, but it could be interesting if they did go there with it...
Faylinn said:
Do you think he would risk he's badge to cover for his brother?
Not if he'd done something bad, no, I don't think he would.

It would be interesting if he put himself on the line to prove that his brother wasn't involved in something--it would look like he was being reckless and risking his badge, but in reality he would be going the extra mile to prove that he's not doing that.

Same here. If his brother did smtg bad I see Don doing the right thing and getting his heart broken in 10 000 pieces. :( Again. Now, if the bro is not a baddie, could be interesting.

Not sure what the storyline could be without it being too close to Danny's situation with Louie, but it could be interesting if they did go there with it...

Exactly, if they go there it will be pretty similar to Danny's story. But that could be good, would give them yet another thing that holds them together. :D

poison girl said:

For all we know, he could have been really broken after The Fall and Consecuences, but he appeared cool, maybe a bit touched, but ok. Maybe it was all a facade to avoid people for trying to take care of him, because he's independent and all he needs to get over everything is some time to heal.

Not all that cool and all together. I think he was pretty broken up inside. Remember the "Trust me! / Trust you?!" scene between him and Mac in Sweet 16? He snapped right there. :( Of course, like you say, he would never just walk around with a "I'm broken" message written on his forehead, but he was broken, and he snapped for a sec. :(

More caps from 404 :

Do I get cookies now Fay? :lol:
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