Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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CSI_in_training said:
How could I have missed that episode? the girlfriend? the amazing white shirt? the total hotness of the most incredible detective? T_T

What? You missed it? *...is speechless* Whoa! You really missed out Missy... ;) As punishment we should make you write an essay comparing Danny's white shirt hotness with Flack's white shirt hotness (with picture evidence of course). :D :devil: Seriously though, Flack was so hot! As a Flack fangirl I have to say, the episode is worth watching (repeatedly) for the white shirt, slowest car chase ever, and tuxedo hotness. That man is pure gold. :p

I agree that Flack didn't seem that thrilled about being invited to a party. Stella had a look of mocking amusement on her face, and Flack's response seemed to feign excitement (I mean what was he supposed to say about it?) and his facial expressions were that of a man who knows he dating an airhead, but is quite happy about it! :) Also bearing in mind that Stella had just mentioned that Devon was a lucky girl who would get invited to lots of exclusive parties, so when Devon comes up and tells him about the invite, Stella and Flack are almost sharing a private joke really. ;)
Elsie said:
Also bearing in mind that Stella had just mentioned that Devon was a lucky girl who would get invited to lots of exclusive parties, so when Devon comes up and tells him about the invite, Stella and Flack are almost sharing a private joke really.
Interesting theory, I admit I was distracted by some white shirted man at the moment of that conversation... I'll try to see if you're right by seeing the secuence again, but i don't promise anything :lol:
Elsie said:
Also bearing in mind that Stella had just mentioned that Devon was a lucky girl who would get invited to lots of exclusive parties, so when Devon comes up and tells him about the invite, Stella and Flack are almost sharing a private joke really.

Yup! I felt that too. They were kinda mocking her. Almost felt sorry for the girl. :lol: Even her boyfriend laughs at her..

“F :Is that a shock or just weird?

S: She's a lucky girl. Just got robbed by a secret agent. She's going to get all kinds of
invitations for all the in parties.

F: Uh..”

“D: So, we are invited to a very exclusive fundraiser on Wednesday night.

F: Good.”

5 secs after Stella tells him about the parties.. Boom! lol She looks at him, he looks at Stella and smiles. Check out the faces.. LOLZ

PS. He was pissed for missing the fun of the 3rd date because he'll have to go through a 4rd date? :lol: Although now that Danny knows, there may not be needed the 4rd date. ;)
I must say in that last fram he does look very close to laughing.
What? You missed it? *...is speechless* Whoa! You really missed out Missy... As punishment we should make you write an essay comparing Danny's white shirt hotness with Flack's white shirt hotness (with picture evidence of course).
I did miss it, and I'll get right on the essay when I finish the mountain of homework from yesterday, and the new one for today. I'm looking for a place to watch episodes i misses. Help anyone?
did anybody else think it was cute yesterday when Flack said if he could go back in time, he would go to his moms corn beef wednesdays!! i thought that was so great, also his brother tormenting him, wich makes me think that he's the younger brother?
^ Actually I was like “WOAH, was that just a kind of back story on Flack. This is CSI: NY, how could that happen”. I really don’t want to get my hopes to high, but when Danny mentioned Louie in Trapped, it was the build up for his appearance later in season two. Might there be hope, that we will actually see Flack’s family this season? It would be great, but I’m trying not to expect too much…
I'm looking for a place to watch episodes i misses. Help anyone?
You could try out cbs innertube, at the moment they have all four episodes from season four online, if you are in the US, of course… ;)
This I posted in the grade tread :

- WOW! They actually gave Flack some background!
1. He sounds sad while remembering! :( I things his mom is gone. :(
2. He’s got a brother? Older, I suppose..
3. Grew up in Queens. Nice..
4. “I would endure every single one of my brother’s insults, for one more taste of that paradise”. :( Endure the insults? So, in “The Fall” we got the hint that things are not good with dad, now the brother too? Poor baby! :( Taste of that paradise, he means the food, or the moment? Flack appears to be pretty broken behind that snarky humor.

I remember reading comments about Flack whipping clean the gun in the promo pic. Now that we have a brother, can't help but thing if that might have to do with him. I mean it's pretty clear Donnie doesn't have good relationships with the dad and bro, but family is family. Though I hope TPTB won't go there, 1st because they already played it with Danny, and 2nd because Flack was already disappointed by 2 friends ( Gavin, Truby) no need to deal with that again.

ETA to add the "don't get cute", that's my job cap. Not enough pics in here ;)

Loved getting a little background info on Flack! So I guess we can assume Flack's mom is dead--poor Flack. :( :( :( And he has a contentious relationship with his brother? I hope we see the brother at some point!
I think that was wonderful that they talked about him going back for Family dinner's. 1. because it shows that he does have some good memories of his family life. 2. it was a cute and back story based line that gave us a short look into what life might've been like in the Flack house. 3. It was another cute mention of his obsession over food. And last, it does give foreshadowing that we might actually get to meet the elusive Flack Family. We can only hope! *crosses fingers*
Flack is so all about food! Mama Flack must have been one awesome cook.

I hope it foreshadows that we'll meet some Flack family members. Because now I'm even more curious about his family, and his relationship to his brother and father.
It looks like they opened the Pandora box with that comentary, now we want to know more and more from Flack. I admit I though he said brothers, like more than one, but I've read he said one.

Obviously his relationship with his brother don't look fine now by the tone in his voice when he said so, and about his mother maybe the relationship deteriorated, just like the one he seems to have with his father. I hope to know something more about his family in more episodes.
poison girl said:
It looks like they opened the Pandora box with that comentary, now we want to know more and more from Flack.

:lol: I know. We are never satisfied. A couple of lines and we're all now wanting him to fill in the details.

Yeah, I agree that Mama Flack is dead, and that she is where he got his love of food from! I bet she was awesome, it kind of makes me sad for him, because previous comments perhaps suggest that Flack and Flack Snr weren't exactly close, and now his Mother is dead and his comments about his brother didn't inspire much hope of happy family reunions. Yeah, they've done the brother storyline with Danny and I don't think we need another black sheep storyline from this.

Flack's comment about his brother seemed odd to me though, he said his brothers 'insults'. I don't know why (I'm probably over analysing completely) but 'insults' seems like an odd term, or a poor choice of word to use to me because to me it evokes thoughts not of usual family/childhood sibling relationships but of something more sinister, why would Flack be subjected to such vitriol? It just doesn't jibe with the kind of person or personality he is now or previous brief family insights (the continuity fairy is obviously not Flack's friend). If that makes any sense... :confused:

And as always, thanks for the picture. He is so pretty. :D
Love those rosy red lips! :lol: :devil: Thanks for the screen caps. :)

Definitely loved that we finally learn a little bit more of Flack's history...All the talk about corned beef made me laugh not because it was funny (Flack was wistful in his reminiscing) but because I just had that for Sunday lunch with my family this week...Made me hungry like hell! :lol:

Definitely got the vibe about Flack's Mom being dead...I use that tone when reminiscing about my Dad...As for being insulted by his brothers, perhaps he may have used the wrong term. I'm the youngest child and my siblings were relentless in teasing me but I also gave as good as I got. One thing I know is that family can be brutally honest. If indeed he used the term accurately, perhaps something sinister (term used by Elsie) lurks in Flack's background...Sibling rivalry/jealousy gone bad or sour?

My only problem is with the writers being inconsistent with Flack's back story. They should have made sure they were consistent with a character’s history previously dished out in past episodes! Come on, a little bit of research goes a long way! Is it too much to ask for continuity and consistency?
Maybe Flack was really really close with his mom and his dad and Brother got along better, and then when and if she died it all kinda went to the tiolet, so thats why him and his dad and his brother dont get along??
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