Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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I still don't think his mother is dead. Maybe there was some kind of problem with his father and his mother took his side.

His brother, or brothers, are just a memory for him. He didn't talked about he or them like he missed him or them, he just talked he missed his mother and the food (of course he missed the food, he loves all kind of food).
I can imagine him being close to his Mother and his brother being close to his Dad, sometimes families are a bit like that. I definately got the impression that she is dead though. :(

A couple of screencaps for you...


Flack reminiscing about his Mom


A typical Flack face
Elsie said:
Flack's comment about his brother seemed odd to me though, he said his brothers 'insults'. I don't know why (I'm probably over analysing completely) but 'insults' seems like an odd term, or a poor choice of word to use to me because to me it evokes thoughts not of usual family/childhood sibling relationships but of something more sinister, why would Flack be subjected to such vitriol? It just doesn't jibe with the kind of person or personality he is now or previous brief family insights (the continuity fairy is obviously not Flack's friend). If that makes any sense... :confused:

You know, something about the word "insults" stuck out to me, too. After having mulled it over a bit, it makes me think the brother Flack is talking about it actually younger--the rebellious brother who didn't follow in daddy's footsteps like Flack did. I don't see the younger brother being a no-account like Danny's brother though; I see him in some really successful field, like computers or business, and looking down on his brother the cop. Just a thought I had--but something there suggested some real sibling tension, that's for sure.
I see him in some really successful field, like computers or business, and looking down on his brother the cop. Just a thought I had--but something there suggested some real sibling tension, that's for sure.
Yeah, maybe the brother felt like he was doing better than his father did, and Don following in Dad's footsteps was lacking ambition and that it was beneath him--it could also be that Papa Flack's opinions either way caused some of the tension between the brothers, you know? Like, Papa was more proud of Don for taking up the cop mantle, so the brother was bitter. And then maybe Papa expected Don to be just like him, so he wasn't happy with Don either...
I just hope that TPTB won't drop the ball with the brother the way they did after "The Fall" with the dad. It's clear that the Flack family it's not the happy family from Pleasantville, but I'd like some facts. ;)

And making the caps, I noticed a little something. Looksie here: the gloves are back. 3 years later they remebered that if he's at a crime scene he shouldn't leave his pretty fingerprints all over it. And we know he just must touch everything! :lol:


See? Must touch! :lol:

In that last cap Flack kind of looks like a priest about to do the days service. But that might just be my tired mind on over drive. ^_^
Definitely got the vibe about Flack's Mom being dead...
Yeah. The way he said it made me think that if she was still alive there would still be corned beef days and he wouldn't have to go back in time to enjoy it.
And I did think that his brother might be younger; tormenting him for falling so perfectly into their father's foot steps.
And no, we're never satisfied with a simple glimpse into our hero's past, we want the whole story; in full novel format with pictures, possibly flash backs, and a brilliantly written reunion with the other Flack men. You'd think with his dad being an NYPD legend that it wouldn't be too hard to write him into a script.
I actually want to see brother Flack as much as I want to see Papa Flack now! Maybe there could be an episode that has a Flack family reunion or something. :lol:

So I watched the commentary for "Consequences" that Eddie did with Pam Veasey on the s. 3 DVDs. So cute! If you've got the DVDs, you should totally listen to it.

A few interesting things from it:

He talked about really liking playing those scenes with Gary where Flack and Mac were clashing, but also said they were hard because Flack and Mac had always gotten along previously. He mentioned that he liked that there was no condescension in them--that he liked that it was about two colleagues, and not a father/son thing.

He said Lindsay sold Flack out (by showing Mac the evidence of Flack's team raiding the drug den with the black cocaine) and that he (Flack) was still mad about that! So maybe that's the source of some of the stand-offishness on Flack's part towards her. He laughed about it though, so he could have just been joking.

Danny was questioning someone in the precinct and Eddie said, "Hey! That's Flack's desk! So that's what he does when I'm not around." :lol:

Eddie gives good commentary! :D
I'd love to see Flack's brother, but I really hope they don't mirror Danny's relationship with Louie. If Flack and his brother don't get along, I'd like to see something really different for them. Disagreeing over choice of career sounds like it could be really interesting--especially if they both (or only one of them?) has an estranged relationship with their father...

He said Lindsay sold Flack out (by showing Mac the evidence of Flack's team raiding the drug den with the black cocaine) and that he (Flack) was still mad about that!
He might have been joking, but I could see him wishing that she'd come to him with the evidence first--the way she did bringing Danny the DNA results in "RSRD". He's not a CSI, but I think he still feels like he's a part of the team...

He mentioned that he liked that there was no condescension in them--that he liked that it was about two colleagues, and not a father/son thing.
Very interesting--I definitely see Mac's relationship with Danny as the father/son sort of thing, rather than with Flack. Despite the age difference, you can tell that there's mutual respect there (although Mac does come across as a bit...preachy, maybe, when it comes to Flack during that storyline).

Danny was questioning someone in the precinct and Eddie said, "Hey! That's Flack's desk! So that's what he does when I'm not around."
:lol: Look at Danny, trying to act like he's a cop. :p It doesn't have as much impact to interview someone in the lab, I guess. :lol: "Oh, I'll just use Flack's desk, he won't mind. *pilfers through the drawers*" :p
We know with a fair amount of certainty that Flack has to be the eldest male-child in the Flack family -- he's Don Flack, Jr. and the name always passes down to the first born male.

We also know that Flack's brother(s) "insult" him at the family supper. Presumably that's when both Mama and Papa Flack were around. Either that means what the brother(s) said didn't sound like an insult to the parents or the parents allowed the insults -- perhaps even agreed with the comments.

Since we know that Don Flack, Sr. is/was a NYPD legend, I find it hard to believe that he would allow any son (even a much adored youngest boy) to diss Flack simply on the fact that he was a cop following in his dad's footsteps. If that was the case, Flack, Sr. would have to be bitter about being a cop and it just doesn't track with how other cops see him.

I could see, perhaps, Mama Flack not saying anything in order not to make the tension any higher, but I don't see that working for Papa Flack.

I think whatever the brother(s) were insulting Flack about was also a sore spot between Flack and Flack, Sr. I also think that (as is often the case in families with feuding siblings and disappointed fathers, when the mother died, so did the family gatherings.
Partly said:
We know with a fair amount of certainty that Flack has to be the eldest male-child in the Flack family -- he's Don Flack, Jr. and the name always passes down to the first born male.

Ceindreadh informed us in the grading thread that if they're going by Irish tradition he could be younger. Here's what she said:
Irish tradition was to name the eldest son after the father's father, and the second son (if there was one) after the father (or sometimes the mother's father).
So there would be precedent.
It looks like they opened the Pandora box with that comentary, now we want to know more and more from Flack. I admit I though he said brothers, like more than one, but I've read he said one.

Exactly, now I want more and more! :lol: Don't know why, but I've always imagined him as a single child.

You know, something about the word "insults" stuck out to me, too. After having mulled it over a bit, it makes me think the brother Flack is talking about it actually younger--the rebellious brother who didn't follow in daddy's footsteps like Flack did. I don't see the younger brother being a no-account like Danny's brother though; I see him in some really successful field, like computers or business, and looking down on his brother the cop. Just a thought I had--but something there suggested some real sibling tension, that's for sure.

Wow, that could be interesting to do. But, than what, Flack Sr. has bad relationships with both his son's? And yes, insult is a heavy word. Made me wonder how bad things are for Don to say insult instead of teasing, for ej.

In that last cap Flack kind of looks like a priest about to do the days service.

:D He does! LOL

Yeah. The way he said it made me think that if she was still alive there would still be corned beef days and he wouldn't have to go back in time to enjoy it.

Yes, he seemed really sad. :( Like he missed her terribly.

I actually want to see brother Flack as much as I want to see Papa Flack now! Maybe there could be an episode that has a Flack family reunion or something.

From your post to TPTB's will! :lol:

I'd love to see Flack's brother, but I really hope they don't mirror Danny's relationship with Louie. If Flack and his brother don't get along, I'd like to see something really different for them.

Same here. But gotta admit that knowing that Flack has one brother and that maybe they are not that good, makes me see those couple of scenes from Hung Out To Dry in a different light. Hey, it even puts a whole new meaning in the hospital scene from Run Silent, Run Deep. They seem to have in common more than we thought. how did Carmine described them in that interview? Gotta go search.

He said Lindsay sold Flack out (by showing Mac the evidence of Flack's team raiding the drug den with the black cocaine) and that he (Flack) was still mad about that!
He might have been joking, but I could see him wishing that she'd come to him with the evidence first--the way she did bringing Danny the DNA results in "RSRD". He's not a CSI, but I think he still feels like he's a part of the team...

Absolutely! He is, and he feels himself to be part of the family. And he's actions prove it! He's always there when they need him, and he tends to be on their side when he gets caught in the middle.

He mentioned that he liked that there was no condescension in them--that he liked that it was about two colleagues, and not a father/son thing.
Very interesting--I definitely see Mac's relationship with Danny as the father/son sort of thing, rather than with Flack. Despite the age difference, you can tell that there's mutual respect there (although Mac does come across as a bit...preachy, maybe, when it comes to Flack during that storyline).

I sign under that. :p
Ceindreadh informed us in the grading thread that if they're going by Irish tradition he could be younger.

Is Flack Irish? Not having him the oldest could provide interesting family dynamic, especially considering that the eldest is usually the one who feels compelled to follow in the father's footsteps.

I know the surname "Flack" can be English (possibly derived from the the word turf or occupation of turf-cutter), so Irish isn't too much of a stretch. I think it could also be German. But then "Irish Cop" is somewhat of a staple.

Oldest or not, it still leaves the question of why the father wouldn't have curbed the insults.
Faylinn said:

Danny was questioning someone in the precinct and Eddie said, "Hey! That's Flack's desk! So that's what he does when I'm not around."

:lol: Look at Danny, trying to act like he's a cop. :p It doesn't have as much impact to interview someone in the lab, I guess. :lol: "Oh, I'll just use Flack's desk, he won't mind. *pilfers through the drawers*" :p

LOLZ!! Don't they have enough tables? :lol: Eddie is adorable! I love getting proves of their friendship. So Danny is using Flack's desk, doesn’t he have one of his own? What else do they share? :lol: Poor Flack, that much for privacy with Danny going through his drawers.

Thanks Top!

Well, we assume Flack is Irish. If Stella is Greek, Mac is from Chicago, Danny is Italian, Aiden from Brooklyn.. it seems that the character is from wherever the actor is. Eddie is Irish / Italian, so Flack must be too. :lol:

And some 404 caps

Elsie and Lorelai , those are wonderful pics of Flack. Thanks for posting them, they are great to look at.

That being said, I just wanted to say how they seem to be expanding on Flack's character this season. Although I wasn't thrilled with this week's episode, I enjoyed the exchange between Hawkes and Flack, it was a highlight to this episode. Who'd have thought Flack was a Doctor Who fan. I also like how we are finding out about his past. It's always nice to have a little background on the character.

Thanks for the preview of the commentary on the season 3 dvds. Mine are on their way, I'm just waiting for them to arrive. Anyway, sorry if what I said has already been posted, I did try to read the last few pages to catch up as to what has been posted.
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