Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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Rachelle Lefevre as Devon Maxford, or at least that's what the press release said. :lol:
How nice would have been if TPTB would have kept Flack professional during the interrogations and have him calling her Miss Maxford, instead of "my girlfriend". :rolleyes:
Amen Lorelai! The amount of times that he used the word girfriend in the episode went over just a little bit. I mean dang its bad enough we have to see the HOTNESS making out with her we didn't need a constant reminder of what she was.
I'm glad you all liked the screencaps. :D I have brought along some more, you can never get enough of the Flack pretty....


White shirt against the white background...nice...


He definately suits the white shirt :devil:


Flack and the pretty, but moronic girlfriend (just after she tells him about the great party they've been invited too...) :rolleyes: He does look somewhat amused...


When Flack is talking, you will listen!!
:lol: Yep, they covered the tattoo. But the ink is very dark, apparently. :rolleyes: And the make up they used is one shade lighter than Eddie's tanned skin! :lol:

ETA : You may see the pink thingy there! LOL
Lorelai said:
Rachelle Lefevre as Devon Maxford, or at least that's what the press release said. :lol:
How nice would have been if TPTB would have kept Flack professional during the interrogations and have him calling her Miss Maxford, instead of "my girlfriend". :rolleyes:

That's what I thought as well...even wrote it in my review of You Only Die Once. Flack is way too professional to keep referring to a victim (of a robbery) as 'my girlfriend'. He should have just used her name. Every time he used the term 'girlfriend', my ears were blocking off the sound. Gah!

Love those screen caps, Elsie. :) Although, I could do without Devon. :lol: :devil: :lol:
Flack rocked in this epi. in the wife-beaater, at the party, during interogations. he practicaly owned it. and he smiled *drools*

great caps, thanks
Maybe they should have done something more to cover his tatoo. If the ink was too dark and had to use it with a lighter make up, they should have put a darked shade later.

Flack is too profesional to use the therm 'girlfriend' in the middel of an investigation, that was very not Flack.
I think Flack wanted the world to know he has a GIRLFRIEND!!!! :lol:

Flack looks damn hot in the white shirt, too. He and Danny need to have a white-shirt-off, and then maybe wrestle for the title of who looks best in the shirt. :devil: ;)
I Thought I Heard A Pussycat…

I did! I did! May I go now?

Is that shock or just weird?

Why did TPTB made me date her again?

Thanks 4 getting me out of there.. Mac, you have a, uh, thingy there.

I loved "You only die once" finally gave us Flack's fans something to chew on! I've been hoping for Flack to get some romance on the show. I was like, OMG When I saw the beginning and him kissing and it was getting hot - I started taping it, but didn't get that love scene on tape - damn it. I would have been prepared if I watched last week's preview after the show(I watched his love scene again on CBS site though)

It was a good episode. Flack got more screen time and was looking good in the tuxedo too - a la Sean Connery's James Bond. He and Stella were good together as usual - they make a good team. I like that the girlfriend they gave him does flirting well - maybe we'll see Flack get another romance scene in future episode.
The fact that Eddie is a very good actor and very handsome too make his screen time very interesting or all of us. the fact that he was happy to be invited to some posh party didn't looked so Flack to me, real Flack would have been fake or something, more so in front of Stella, who was, somehow, laughing the fact his girlfriend :rolleyes: was exited because she was robbed.

It don't suit me very Flack to say two times the term girlfriend :rolleyes: in front of a perp, so, or he's really very involved in that relationship :rolleyes: or she's very good in what they were interrupted when the soon-to-be-dead-man entered the apartment. :lol:
Top41 said:
I think Flack wanted the world to know he has a GIRLFRIEND!!!! :lol:

Flack looks damn hot in the white shirt, too. He and Danny need to have a white-shirt-off, and then maybe wrestle for the title of who looks best in the shirt. :devil: ;)

What?! He has a girlfriend? I musta missed that. ;) Really though, I am still hoping it was just a plot device, otherwise my liver won't be able to take it (see: Flack has a girlfriend drinking game).

I am still going to go with Flack stole Danny's shirt. Or Danny let him borrow it. :devil:

Regardless of my feelings on the GIRLFRIEND, I am happy for great Flackcaps from the epi.
Flack Caps definitly made my night, it was a nice break from the mountain of math. T_T Why must I still be in high school.
How could I have missed that episode? the girlfriend? the amazing white shirt? the total hotness of the most incredible detective? T_T
Top41 said:
I think Flack wanted the world to know he has a GIRLFRIEND!!!!

Flack looks damn hot in the white shirt, too. He and Danny need to have a white-shirt-off, and then maybe wrestle for the title of who looks best in the shirt.
Or out of it :devil: Seriously! You were all thinking the same thing.
the fact that he was happy to be invited to some posh party didn't looked so Flack to me, real Flack would have been fake or something,
Do you mean when Devon told him about the invite? Flack seemed to me that he was faking enthuasiasm for her sake. And for the party bit with Stella, he seemed excited at the prospect of going undercover and rousting out a criminal, not just the actual going to a party, imo.
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