Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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SO SAD! I missed tonight's episode because of stupid Math homework and studying for my Physics test tomorrow T_T
I will have to catch it on the internet later in the week. *sigh* the one thing i HATE about high school.
But those pictures will definitly keep me going until I get to see the episode. ^_^
Wow, I gotta say, Flack was beyond hot tonight! A car chase and a tux? Oh, the man so fit the James Bond role. :D
I come bearing a couple of pictures of the pretty. :D Wow, Flack is seriously hot!


Wifebeater hotness, and the case of the missing tattoo...


I like a man who takes a gun with him on a date... :confused:




He is so cool under pressure. It's all about the job for Flack...


...needs no caption


*Strokes him* He is so fine. :D

But yeah, I can see why TPTB might think that the homicide Detective wouldn't have tattoos...But we saw it in 'Charge of this Post' :confused: And Flack, my you are pretty, but ditch the girlfriend, you can do better.
I loved his description in the review:

"The star of the hour is without a doubt Eddie Cahill. The man deserves his own show, period. A Flack spin-off, anyone? Cahill's range is truly impressive, and here he showcases Flack's debonair side. Who knew the tough-talking detective cleaned up so well? Flack is in full heroic mode, first commandeering a taxi and daringly pursuing the thief, and later donning a tux and going "undercover" at the benefit. Cahill steps into the James Bond role with ease, as smooth and suave as they come."

Love those screen caps Elsie. :D Flack was sooooo hot. :devil: I was giddy as a school girl. :lol: :lol: Loved his impression of James Bond when he entered the benefit saying 'Flack. Don Flack.' Had me laughing when he did that. :)
Most of the cops I know, including homicide detectives, have ink. Part of the whole "brotherhood" thing, much like the Marines I know. Had I joined the NOPD, I was going to get the crescent tat and I am kinda a girly girl. Not to mention the whole continuity thing with COTP.

Thanks for the caps Elsie! Drool....My heart couldn't stand it if Flack had a spin-off. :D
Thanks for those great caps Elsie , As I have to wait probably about a year until I can see the episodes, all the caps you ladies show here will help to get through this long time
Hot damn those pics are fine! Flack is just ridiculously good looking (move over, Derek Zoolander! :lol: ) and wears a tank top or a tux with equal finesse.
"Flack, Don Flack" :lol:

He was really brilliant in the episode, only he could have used a few less times the therm 'girlfriend'. He looks really great n a tux, and in a wife beater, and surely without it :devil:

And I admit I agree with Devon in one thin: Spies are sexy ;)
But yeah, I can see why TPTB might think that the homicide Detective wouldn't have tattoos...But we saw it in 'Charge of this Post'
It was blurred out in COTP and for all we saw of it, it could have been just a bruise or burn from the explosion. (not that I spent a lot of time with the pause and zoom buttons trying to figure it out <g>)
OH! My! GOD! He was so amazing. Those are absolutely beautiful screen caps.
It wouldn't be that bad for him to have a tattoo, I know that Stabler on Law and Order SVU has a few of them.
I have to catch last night's episode later today, as my physics homework came between me and my CSI NY.
Wow, somebody's been borrowing fashion tips from a certain CSI. ;)

Flack is looking mighty fine there! And about the tattoo, it's very easy to cover it up using body concealer like Colortration or Dermablend. Once it sets, it's like there was never a tattoo there to begin with. They probably had to cover it since it has Eddie's girlfriend's name on it, after all. :lol:
I don't know why I haven't been on this thread before I love Flackie so much. I love all the sarcastic cracks the character makes and am not ashamed to admit that I have used a lot of them in everyday conversation when the oppurtunity presented itself :lol:. I've just spent my entire morning sitting here at work and going through this whole thread checking out the pictures instead of working. The pics are brilliant :D
Can anyone tell me the full name of the "girlfriend" I know her first name is Devon but what is her last name? And by george I have seen that actress before some where! Can someone tell me her name as well.
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