Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

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chaostheory08 said:
Aphina said:
Hey. Just to point out about Flack dressing himself.

Geez, when I read this line, the picture in my head was Flack in front of a full-length mirror putting on clothes. Hahahahah.....

That's what I thought too. It would be and interesting situation... :lol:
Btw, speaking of our guy sans some articles of clothing, I just watched Eddie's guest appearance on Law and Order SVU that he did some years ago.

All I got to say... some way to open an episode. And interesting choice of jobs he chose there. ;)
^^^ I totally agree... one of the BEST ways to open an episode!!

I totally got a mental image of Eddie/Flack in a full length mirror, towel wrapped around the waist and trying to pick out clothes for the day. ::passes out:: I swear, and if he did that while I was in the room, that towel would get ripped off and he'd be in bed... again... :)
YAY...new thread, I love the title and I would have to say, NICK's habdcuffs on me if ya know what i mean
I have an awful picture of teenage-girl!Flack. with millions of outfits lying on his [massive]bed. and hm standing there with his finger on his chin, hand on his hip trying in vain, to decide on an outfit.

clearly though, he eventua;ly chooses one article of clothing from each outfit due to his indecision if the clothes we see! :lol:
A suitable outfit to Don/Eddie?

- A bit tight jeans, bootcut and faded
- boots
- no shirt, just sweaty and toned torso.

*barely breathe*

...thanks feenx, I already saw light ....

Is here another victims?

I think that we all want artificial respiration from Eddie :D
I'm a little busy with him right now! (Now Flack that towel has to come off)

Ahem, anyway his dress sense has improved, but he seems to be a fan of those ties.
Flack and a very small towel. Shower fresh?

*breathing problems and heart beats faster*
My suggestion is that he just never get dressed, especially while he's down here in the gutter with us. Why bother? we're just going to take his clothes off anyway, BUTTTT then there is the whole "striping him of his clothes is fun" ... but I still stand by my whole "just stay in a towel or nothing" ::whistles:: mmmhmmm

he's so hott! he cant get any hotter... if he did.. ::falls to the ground dramatically:: he he
I have to say that most of the time I don't look at what he's wearing because I am hypnotized by those incredible eyes. That and the sound of his voice. I could listen to that voice all day...all night... *thud*...
Flack wouldn't need a little towel. He needs a huge one, and that's just to cover his manhood :devil:. He'll probably need two if he wants to cover everything belong his hips as he has long legs and a foot long..Italian sub :devil:. I'm guessing he does 'cause you know what they say about big feet...
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