Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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iluvroadrunner said:
i love spreading eddie around. it's so much fun.

Me too. We take turns though although Eddie always volunters :devil:.

This sounds weird but I wanna see Flack squat down. The lower you go the tighter your ass gets if ya know what I mean :devil:.
yeah, but he'd need to do that, and then the camera has to be at a decent angle so we can see said butt. it would take some careful plotting, and we'd have to replace the cameraman with one of our own to make sure it happens.

or get his/her cooperation. whichever comes first.
ohhh did someone say squatting!FLack?!

it could be like Nick in Vegas, when he bends down, you see what boxers he is wearing...it's rather smexy.

and i want to see just what Flack is packin in there :devil:
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
ohhh did someone say squatting!FLack?!

it could be like Nick in Vegas, when he bends down, you see what boxers he is wearing...it's rather smexy.

and i want to see just what Flack is packin in there :devil:
maybe we'll be lucky and he goes commando.
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie here. So I've been searching through this board contemplating where to leave my first post, and I ended up here. And all I have to say is, I love FLACK!!! I can see myself having a lot of fun on this board. All right, on to reading...
You guys seem to have all planned already!
You know Flack wouldn't be the same without the bad ties... :p
Welcome FlackaholicLeo14. Enjoy posting.

What's the status on getting one of our plants to be the cameraperson? That would be so cool... endless rear views.
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