Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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I nearly died laughing at the thought of a Farmer Eddie.
you and me both, Jen. :lol: he's too hot to work on a farm anyway.

Likes to cook and is a self-described homebody.
awww...he could make me dinner anytime! :D ooh! cooking showdown between hill and eddie in my kitchen. that would be HOTT! :devil:
i hope it's a naked chef showdown ;)
nothing but an apron thankyouverymuch.

like jamie oliver's cook show, the naked chef...excpet i dont think he was naked every episode. maybe only once...

meh, Flack would be nekkid every single time :devil:
with his apron. bent over a hot stove, sweating cause of the heat....*dies*
I don't see Eddie as the country or farmer type. He's meant for the city. The thought of him shirtless and sweaty is rather nice though. :D
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
I SUPPORT GLASGOW CELTIC!!!!! I LIVE 2 MINUTES WAY FROM THE STADIUM!! in parkhead! in glasgow, Scotland. fianlly, some sort of good thing about being here, as im jealous of everyone in america where he lives. *cries*
im actually SHOCKED. and ECSTATIC. and i'm shaking. god knows why but i am. cause that ius so weird!
That is SO COOL! Aw, man, when I used to live in Scotland, my house was actually near the Rangers' ground. But I supported Celtic because I liked the players, plus there was this Celtic bar near my house where the fans create chaos during matches...it was fun. I wish I stayed near the Celtic stadium! :p

Mmmm...hot and sweaty Eddie. :devil:
tiqlado said:
Farmer Eddie + overalls + "Hi, y'all" in a NY accent + dorky wave = ? :devil: :devil:

*giggles uncontrollably.*

Don't forget the big straw hat too. :eek: Oh my. Now I'll never get that out of my head. Farmer Eddie in overalls with a big straw hat on, talking in his NY accent and waving that dorky wave. :lol:

Just imagine him riding on a tractor with all of the above. :lol:
dude this is awesome! i totally wanted to be a farmer when i was in first grade.

and i'm left handed.

and hot sexy farmer eddie...:devil:

ok, don't think of the dorky, ol' mcdonald kinda farmers. think muscular sweaty farm boy in one of those plaid shirts with the sleeves ripped off so you can see his arms that are all tanned and sexy and...*drools*
^ I was just thinking the same thing (well almost)--I could see him in some nice-fitting jeans and no shirt, sweating and doing something with hay and a pitchfork--slinging it around, I don't give a rat's arse what he's doing with it, I just want him to be sweating and see his muscles straining. :devil: Yum. Maybe Flack has an uncle out in the country or something so he can visit sometime...

Oh, and nekkid!chef Eddie? Oh yeah, I'd never want to eat out again! (wow, that sentence had multiple meanings. :eek:)
If Eddie was the farmer at a certain farm, I would maybe want to become a farmer with him as well. :D

That's the kind of farmer I think of too. Wiping his brow with his shirt off...*sighs*
someone should do a manip! i just spent about an hour looking for hot farmer bods. TO NO AVAIL!!!

but abercrombie and fitch have bloody yummy men. although i didnt realise their pics were as racy. ach well. it wasnt a bad thing!

ahahaha, he could be shifting soem hay into a barn, then of course, as the saying goes, we could roll about in the hay after ;)
^ lmao. yea i'd sure love to roll in the hay with him! :D mm, straining muscles and no shirt... i don' think we'd make it to the..umm..hay(?). guess it'd be in the tractor or something... :p

Oh, and nekkid!chef Eddie? Oh yeah, I'd never want to eat out again! (wow, that sentence had multiple meanings. :eek:
:eek: i know it's protein rich, but i don't think you can live off it! lmao :lol:
Guh...I just imagined half-nekkid farmer!Eddie with a horse...*swoons* He'd be standing there, talking quietly to the horse and brushing it's coat. *droooooool*

If Eddie was the farmer at a certain farm, I would maybe want to become a farmer with him as well.
Er...:confused: What do you mean? I'm confused (or am I just dense? ;))

ETA: You're so naughty, afrikana! ;)
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