Fifth Season Of 'CSI' Will Focus On Characters

I just wanted to bring up that, after watching the marathon on spike TV, I noticed that Greg never talks about his parents. He talks an awful lot about his grandparents though (particularly "papa olaf"), which is making me think that perhaps he was raised by his grandparents.

maybe his parents were killed or something? just a theory. but I do think its wierd that he's brought up "papa olaf" like, 20 times and always has funny little stories but he never has anything like that about his mother or father.
he brought him up a few times....once he talked about how papa olaf was going bald, and how he used this chemical thing to help grow his hair (and it also had sexual side effects)....and then he said how he found the same chemical in one of the suspects blood or something.

then he talked about how papa olaf helped him start his coin collection, giving him an old 1909 penny, and thats how he knows all about coins and stuff.

then as Grisson was asking him about his ethnicity (for an expiriment where he was going to give greg foot fungus) he talked about how papa olaf was thrown from norway for getting his grandma pregnant before they were married. (and then he said something in norse? german? something like that. but then he translated it for Grisson and it means "one must lie in the bed one has made" so maybe he just knows that one phrase, but if he lives with his grandparents it would make sense that he can speak the language)

those are just off the top of my head, I think there are more.
Posted by SarahK:
ok, just an idea to freak out the G/S Shippers out there, Sara's secret is that grissom's her Dad and that's why we can see Grissom cry :lol: (Can you tell I'm not a G/S Shipper?;) )

:lol: You read my mind. That would be crazy would be nuts! I could see it happening in my weird twisted mind though. It just makes sense to me.
Posted by GrissomsGirl2424:
OH ya i just thought of another one... maybe it is that shes lesbian! Isnt she in real life? i couldve sworn... but anyway... if it is that she was abused... then i think that the writers are losin their touch... since nick got raped and catherine was kinda abused bye eddie!

I don't know if you've already heard this, but let me clarify (By the way, I only know about her ER Character and her CSI character... Oh, and that she was the "hot girl" or something like that on "Ellen").

Jorja Fox smokes in real life (I D K if she quit though), and Sara Sidle smokes. Maggie Doyle was a vegatarian, Sara Sidle is a vegatarian, and Jorja is. Maggie Doyle was a lesbian doctor on "ER". I think that's how the rumor got started. Ellen Degeneras invited real lesbian/gays and actors that had a gay/lesbian role in something- she talked abnout this on her talk show- to a party. Anyways, she's not a lesbian (as far as I've heard).

I hope that clears things up. If I've made a mistake I apologise; this is what I've found out.
after thursday's episode... im starting to think that maybe she was abused by her parents or something... i mean its a little out there but its still possible.
I just wanted to bring up that, after watching the marathon on spike TV, I noticed that Greg never talks about his parents. He talks an awful lot about his grandparents though (particularly "papa olaf"), which is making me think that perhaps he was raised by his grandparents.

maybe his parents were killed or something? just a theory. but I do think its wierd that he's brought up "papa olaf" like, 20 times and always has funny little stories but he never has anything like that about his mother or father.
Maybe Greg's parents are boring?
Posted by GrissomsGirl2424:
after thursday's episode... im starting to think that maybe she was abused by her parents or something... i mean its a little out there but its still possible.

I think I know what it is! I think that her dad abused her mom, and maybe her. There's the holy trinity. Suspect, Victim, Crime scene. and the evidence: empathy- it would apply here, domestic violence- applies here, family (VLV)- applies! Hell yeah!!
Posted by GrissomsGirl2424:
after thursday's episode... im starting to think that maybe she was abused by her parents or something... i mean its a little out there but its still possible.

I don't know...she almost sounded too cheery when she was rehearsing for it to be something as dark and grim as that. Maybe something strange about her family? Like they were cult leaders or something like that. Or something weird.

But maybe it is something serious, and they were just being lighthearted in the ep because we weren't going to find out just then.